Official Clarifai JavaScript client for browsers and node.js
DEPRECATED: please use
A traditional-style scrollbar for iOS that integrates with existing UIScrollView or UIScrollView subclasses.
A UIViewController Category to display a ViewController as a popup with different transition effects.
Data-aware view-controller that displays a UIView list in an automatically laid out grid
Free-to-try version of commercial PepperUI library for iOS. More information:
Simple block-based concurrent multiple-URL data downloader based only on NSURLConnection
iOS Hierarchy viewer - View and Coredata debugging made easy
An iOS Filter UIControl Subclass. Zero Graphics. Highly Customizable.
Wirefy is a browser based responsive wireframe tool, which allows you to create functional wireframes using standard elements. Think of it as the foundation for your content to be built on. This al…
Simple UITableView tricks with focus on UITableViewCell Layout
A multiple item selector control for iOS
A streamlined implementation of a Sliding Menu for iOS
using AVFoundation to play music in the resource directory
A “keep it simple” approach to handling photo and video capture with AVFoundation.
Menú flotante que trata de imitar el ofrecido por la app Sparrow para iOS
Tile-based contextual menu for iPad and iPhone developers.
This repository contains lecture material and example source code for Objective-C programming course.
Facebook-like side menu for iOS
Reveal side ViewControllers similar to Facebook/Path's menu
Extract UIKit artwork and emoji symbols into png files, generate glossy buttons png files
An iBooks-styled book shelf for iOS (Animation of drag & drop, insert, remove...)