Simple 2D game for "Game Developement" class using LibGDX
- Mercedes SLS
- Police cars
- Girls
- Car health
- Score (number of girls picked)
- Sound
- Single player game
- You are the driver of a Mercedes SLS. Drive through the streets of Belgrade on your way to a nightclub. Along the way, try to pick up as many girls as possible. You are obstructed by police cars, which you can destroy.
- Steering the car left and right (using arrow keys)
- Background scrolling downwards
- Girls move downwards at the same speed as the background, creating an illusion of them standing still on the road.
- Collect girls by touching them with the car.
- Colliding with a police car causes damage (loss of health points).
- Collision between a bullet (fired by pressing spacebar key) and a police car results in a destruction of police car.