Hackathon2024 Public
Forked from MeltingHackTeam/Hackathon2024A list of hackathon events (offline, online or hybrid)
MIT License UpdatedApr 7, 2024 -
cpython Public
Forked from python/cpythonThe Python programming language
kaguya Public
Forked from ykdojo/kaguyaA ChatGPT plugin that allows you to load and edit your local files in a controlled way, as well as run any Python, JavaScript, and bash script.
spaceslounge Public
Twitter Spaces Host and Speaker's Lounge
LinkFree Public
Forked from EddieHubCommunity/BioDropConnect to your audience with a single link. Showcase the content you create and your projects in one place. Make it easier for people to find, follow and subscribe.
pyodide Public
Forked from pyodide/pyodidePyodide is a Python distribution for the browser and Node.js based on WebAssembly
AsaKatsuProject Public
Forked from asakatsuOrg/AsaKatsuProjectA project to track your AsaKatsu progress
breakthrough-tech Public
Forked from csdojo-defaang/breakthrough-techThe tech conference to help people get into tech & discover their own paths
1 UpdatedOct 31, 2022 -
This picks up the twitter space schedules set by the accounts you folloe
Top-Anime-Shows Public
Forked from 44jax44/Top-Anime-ShowsThe best anime series around
the-dojo-way Public
Forked from csdojo-defaang/the-dojo-wayThe Dojo way - the principles you will need to follow to join the Dojo movement.
1 UpdatedSep 2, 2022 -
defaang Public
Forked from csdojo-defaang/defaangA website that will curate recently-asked interview questions from FAANG+ to help people practice & prep!
bridgeSE-worddeck Public
Forked from JapanTechAndLanguage/jap-english-tech-worddeckA Japanese-English worddeck for Bridge Systems Engineers (BrSE)
Tweet-Guard-Backend Public
Forked from A-BMT02/Tweet-Guard-BackendBackend for TweetGuard App
awesome-github-profiles Public
Forked from EddieHubCommunity/awesome-github-profilesList of GitHub profiles that have awesome customisation, that you can use for inspiration
friendlyreminderbot Public
Forked from ykdojo/friendlyreminderbotA friendly reminder twitter bot to keep you healthy and happy
docs Public
Forked from github/docsThe open-source repo for docs.github.com
jap-training-beginner Public
A Japanese Language training app for beginner made with Flutter
blueGarden Public
A sample reservation system for blue garden