Problem: Integration tests using Kafka containers face high memory consumption and long startup times, slowing down the testing process and increasing resource costs.
Solution: Using a native image for EmbeddedKafka with GraalVM.
Status: Completed, article is published, currently using.
Utilizes org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaBroker
and GraalVM to provide native kafka in docker.
In the article, I want to share my experience with creating a native image for EmbeddedKafka using GraalVM. Utilizing this image in integration tests not only speeds up the execution of test scenarios but also reduces memory consumption. Interestingly, when compared to using confluentinc/cp-kafka in Testcontainers, there is a noticeable difference in both speed and memory usage — and it’s not in favor of the latter.
Article on Habr - Как сократить потребление памяти в интеграционных тестах с Kafka с помощью GraalVM Article on Medium - How to Reduce Memory Consumption in Integration Tests with Kafka Using GraalVM
Add dependency
implementation 'pw.avvero:emk-testcontainers:1.0.0'
Create a EmbeddedKafkaContainer
to use it in your tests:
EmbeddedKafkaContainer kafka = new EmbeddedKafkaContainer("avvero/emk-native:1.0.0"); // OR avvero/emk:latest
The new @ServiceConnection
annotation can be used on the container instance fields of your tests. See
example in tests.
Refer to article in Spring blog to get more information.
One can find examples for using Kafka in integration tests:
- EmbeddedKafka - module
- Testcontainers - module
- Embedded Kafka Native - module
Ready to use Docker image is hosted on Docker Hub and can be pulled using the following command:
docker pull avvero/emk
or native image for linux/arm64
docker pull avvero/emk-native
Run command: make emk-docker-build
Run command: emk-docker-build-native
- Setup graalvm:
- Include Reachability Metadata Using the Native Image Gradle Plugin
- Run
make emk-run-with-agent
- Run activity over broker