This is my CV
My open source profile can be viewed at
I have lots of experience with computers:
- sending emails
- receiving emails
- deleting emails I could go on:
- the web
- clicking
- double clicking
Also included in this repository are my degrees and certificates.
2010 - MSc Computer Science (cum laude)
2006 - BSc Honours in Computer Science
2005 - BSc Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
2016 - Leadership for Engineers
2015 - Questionnare Design for Social Surveys
2014 - Introduction to Functional Programming
2014 - Automata
2014 - Introduction to Linux
2013 - Introduction to Digital Sound Design
2013 - Introduction to Logic
2013 - Synapses, Neurons and Brains
2013 - Digital Signal Processing
2013 - Introduction to Music Production
2012 - Machine Learning
2011 - Artifical Intelligence
This CV is depends on friggeri-cv-a4.cls, which has it's own LICENSE, which also covers all the included fonts: .ttf
and .otf
This CV was compiled using overleaf