Deprecated. Please use
This is a repository for facilitating testing when using Fluxxor and Jest.
This package assumes that you're using Fluxxor and want to create Jest tests.
- Install:
npm install -D fluxxor-jest-utils
- Ensure that this package is not mocked when running Jest tests, use
in each test or configure yourpackage.json
to always ignore the module:
jest: {
unmockedModulePathPatterns: [
If you run into Object [object Object] has no method 'inherits'
error message in your test, you'll need a jest.dontMock('util');
at the top of your test script. This is possibly related to jestjs/jest#78.
All examples are untested but should give you an idea of how to use this module.
If you want to mock actions, to test that the .dispatch()
method is called with the correct event and payload, you can do something like:
describe('My actions', function() {
var FluxxorJestUtils, myActions;
beforeEach(function() {
FluxxorJestUtils = require('fluxxor-jest-utils')(jest);
myActions = FluxxorJestUtils.fakeDispatchOnActions(require('./my-actions'));
it('when myActions.doSomething() is called with parameter, it should call .dispatch() with "something" event and payload with .foo as parameter', function() {
myActions.doSomething('foo value');
expect(myActions.dispatch).toBeCalledWith('something', { foo: "foo value" });
If you're mocking a simple storage that doesn't use the .waitFor()
method, you don't need to use FluxxorJestUtils. You can do something like this:
describe('Simple store', function() {
var SimpleStore, instance;
beforeEach(function() {
SimpleStore = require('./simple-store');
instance = new SimpleStore();
it('when "update" event is called with payload with .value property, it should set result of .getValue()', function() {
instance.__handleAction__({ type: "update", payload: { value: "new value" } });
expect(instance.getValue()).toBe('new value');
If you're mocking a storage that implements the .waitFor()
method, you can use FluxxorJestUtils.fakeWaitForMethodOnStore()
like this:
describe('Store that uses .waitFor()', functoin() {
var WaitedOnStore, WaitForStore, instance, otherStores;
beforeEach(function() {
WaitedOnStore = require('./waitedon-store');
WaitForStore = require('./waitfor-store');
instance = new WaitForStore();
otherStores = {
OtherStore: WaitedOnStore
FluxxorJestUtils.fakeWaitForMethodOnStore(instance, otherStores);
it('when "do-many-things" event triggered, it should call OtherStore.getValue() and set .getOtherStoreValue() with the result', function() {
instance.__handleAction__({ type: "do-many-things" });
If you're creating React classes that use Fluxxor, you can mock the Flux instance with stores and actions in order to pass it to the the component's props.
This React class uses the Fluxxor.FluxMixin
and Fluxxor.StoreWatchMixin
describe('My Component that uses StoreWatchMixin', function() {
var TestUtils, FluxxorJestUtils,
MyStore, MyComponent, stores, flux;
beforeEach(function() {
TestUtils = require('react/addons').addons.TestUtils;
FluxxorJestUtils = require('fluxxor-jest-utils');
MyStore = require('./my-store');
MyComponent = require('./my-component');
stores = {
Store: MyStore
flux = FluxxorJestUtils.fakeFluxInstance(stores);
it('when rendered into document, it should call Store.getState() and set component with its result', function() {
stores.Store.getState.mockReturnValue('store value');
var rendered = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(MyComponent({ flux: flux }));
expect('store value');
describe('My Component that uses flux actions', function() {
var TestUtils, FluxxorJestUtils,
MyComponent, actions, flux, rendered;
beforeEach(function() {
TestUtils = require('react/addons').addons.TestUtils;
FluxxorJestUtils = require('fluxxor-jest-utils');
MyComponent = require('./my-component');
actions = require('./my-actions');
flux = FluxxorJestUtils.fakeFluxInstance({}, actions});
rendered = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(MyComponent({ flux: flux }));
it('when clicked, it should call actions.doSomething() with "foo"', function() {;
This React class uses Fluxxor.FluxChildMixin
and Fluxxor.StoreWatchMixin
. It also accesses flux.actions. The .mountReactClassAsChildComponent()
method allows you to mount the component under test as if it were a child component. It also modifies the rendered components .setProps()
method to allow you to set props in your tests (even though it would normally throw an exception because it is a child component).
describe('My Component that uses stores as a child and also calls flux.actions', function() {
var TestUtils, FluxxorJestUtils,
MyComponent, MyStore, stores, actions, flux;
beforeEach(function() {
TestUtils = require('react/addons').addons.TestUtils;
FluxxorJestUtils = require('fluxxor-jest-utils');
MyComponent = require('./my-component');
MyStore = require('./my-store');
actions = require('./my-actions');
stores = {
Store: MyStore,
flux = FluxxorJestUtils.fakeFluxInstance(stores, actions);
describe('when rendered into document as a child component', function() {
var rendered, initialProps;
beforeEach(function() {
initialProps = { foo: "bar" };
rendered = FluxxorJestUtils.mountReactClassAsChildComponent(React, MyComponent, flux, initialProps);
it('should call Store.getValue() and set state.fromStore as its result', function() {
it('should set the rendered component .className as initial value', function() {
it('when passed as "baz", it should set the rendered component .className as "baz"', function() {
rendered.setProps({ foo: "baz" });
it('when clicked, it should call actions.doSomething()', function() {;