My name is Olivier. I'm a french student looking to become software engeneering teacher, or researcher or idk engineer. Anyway, here you'll find my projects, most are unfinished but but uh who cares ? Me. I do care. I do blame myself every morning telling the mirror "Hey you foolish dummy are you going to achieve something in your life one day?". Oh and I really like art too btw.
MFMirror: MFMirror is a pseudo artificial intelligence in Python, created by the Biquettes. It powers the world's best mirror (;)). You might ask: If I had to sum up MFMirror with you today, I'd start by saying that it's a meeting between two brilliant minds who reached out to each other, perhaps at a time read more
> This project isn't really finished yet, but we're going to put it here because I'm completely satisfied with it, in all modesty I think it's one of my masterpieces. Maybe one day I'll do a less spaghetti version.
JDO-Copilot: This was a project for IT lessons. It was with @Tidic. The aim of the app is to optimise your day at the high-school and avoid being late, as it's easy to make a mistake or simply not find your room, given the disastrous organisation of the school. This application is aimed at new students as well as regulars and the teachers responsible for the AS and the school newspaper. The main aim of the application is to optimise movement around the school, using a more ergonomic map than those already available. read more
> This project isn't really finished either, but same arguments as before, maybe one of my masterpieces.