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Releases: awgrover/every-py

release with compiled mpy files, and lightweight versions

09 Dec 23:12
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Use the every-mpy-*.zip for compiled .mpy files to reduce memory usage for circuitpython or micropython.
Use the every-mpy-lightweight-*.zip for even less memory usage for circuitpython or micropython.
Use the Source Code for regular python, or if you want to use .py files.

release with compiled mpy files

07 Dec 22:29
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Use the for compiled .mpy files to reduce memory usage for circuitpython or micropython.
Use the Source Code for regular python, or if you want to use .py files.

release with compiled mpy files

05 Dec 01:08
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Use the for compiled .mpy files to reduce memory usage for circuitpython or micropython.
Use the Source Code for regular python, or if you want to use .py files.