- FrontEnd - React
- Serverless BackEnd - Amplify SDK 連接 GraphQL API, DynamoDB 及 Storage(S3)
- GraphQL API 串接前後端資料
- AWS Amplify Deploy & Hosting
首先,開啟 AWS IDE 服務 - Cloud9
- Node.js v14.x or later
node -v
- npm v6.14.4 or later
npm -v
- git v2.14.1 or later
git --version
1. 安裝最新的 Amplify CLI
npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
- -g 表示 global => 在全域都可以使用
2. 如果你想要在本地機器使用 Amplify CLI,你就需要連線到 AWS 帳戶
我們今天都是用 Event Engine,所以還是要大家先配置 ( ; _ ; )/~~~ 如果回去想自己玩玩看,且你的電腦有有憑證的 AWS 配置檔案,才可以跳過這個步驟喔~
amplify configure
2-1:瀏覽器會跳出「AWS 登入視窗」
2-2:登入後,回到 CLI,他會請你選擇 Region 跟你的 AWS IAM User 資料
AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) 用於管理在 AWS 中的 users 和權限
在 AWS console 中輸入 IAM,創建一個 user 及 secret key
複製 IAM 中的
輸入進 CLI 中Enter the access key of the newly created user: ? accessKeyId: # YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID ? secretAccessKey: # YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY This would update/create the AWS Profile in your local machine ? Profile Name: # (default) Successfully set up the new user.
1. 將前端架構下載到電腦中
git clone https://github.com/hooroobaby/amplify-workshop.git
2. 下載前端會需要用到的套件
套件就是「別人寫好的工具」,這個專案中下載的套件包含 Amplify 官方提供的可以使用 javascript 來操作 amplify 的工具
確認自己有在資料夾下,若沒有則輸入cd amplify-demo
,cd 到你目前的資料夾!!!
npm install
如果出現 Error 的話:
- Mac 可以用
sudo npm install
再試一次(會要求輸入你電腦的密碼) - Windows 可以用系統管理員身份執行 PowerShell
他會下載約一分鐘,下載完成後,前端就準備完成了 🎉
3. 查看目前的前端有在正確的根目錄,然後啟動應用程式
npm start
Compiled successfully!
You can now view amplify-demo in the browser.
Local: http://localhost:8080
On Your Network:
Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, use npm run build.
webpack compiled successfully
這時候不像平常我們在本機直接打開就好,因為在 cloud9,所以請你點擊上方列表的 Preview > Preview Running Application
平時在你本機上 React 通常預設 port 會是 3000,所以你只要打開 http://localhost:3000 就的以看到畫面了
就可以看到剛剛用好的前端畫面了! 但這個時候我們只是蓋好一間餐廳,但還沒招募廚師跟服務員,因此現在畫面上的工具都不能動。
1. 初始化專案 有了前端跟 Amplify 的環境後,我們來初始化 Amplify 專案,並建置 API
API(Application Programming Interface)
1-1 首先,先在專案根目錄下初始化 Amplify 專案
amplify init
1-2 接著,除了 Choose js framework 要選擇 React 之外,其他都選擇預設就好(按 Enter 就好)
TeamRole:~/environment/amplify-workshop (main) $ amplify init Note: It is recommended to run this command from the root of your app directory ? Enter a name for the project amplifyworkshop The following configuration will be applied: Project information | Name: amplifyworkshop | Environment: dev | Default editor: Visual Studio Code | App type: javascript | Javascript framework: react | Source Directory Path: src | Distribution Directory Path: build | Build Command: npm run-script build | Start Command: npm run-script start ? Initialize the project with the above configuration? (Y/n)
=> **如果非react**,下面這行Initialize the project with the above configuration?請選「n」,在照這邊上面的範例修改範例‼️ 請確認Javascript framework: react這邊是react(也就是我們使用的前端框架),以免有誤! -
1-3 其餘 default
``` ? Select the authentication method you want to use: AWS profile For more information on AWS Profiles, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-profiles.html ? Please choose the profile you want to use default Adding backend environment dev to AWS Amplify app: dkyn7dwmedb1s Deployment completed. Deploying root stack amplifyworkshop [ ---------------------------------------- ] 0/4 amplify-amplifyworkshop-dev-4… AWS::CloudFormation::Stack CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Mon Oct 30 2023 04:59:56… AuthRole AWS::IAM::Role CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Mon Oct 30 2023 05:00:00… UnauthRole AWS::IAM::Role CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Mon Oct 30 2023 05:00:00… DeploymentBucket AWS::S3::Bucket CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Mon Oct 30 2023 05:00:00… ✔ Help improve Amplify CLI by sharing non-sensitive project configurations on failures (y/N) · no You can always opt-in by running "amplify configure --share-project-config-on" Deployment state saved successfully. ```
這邊直接全部選預設值就好(一路按 Enter)
amplify add api
? Select from one of the below mentioned services: GraphQL ? Here is the GraphQL API that we will create. Select a setting to edit or continue Continue ? Choose a schema template: Single object with fields (e.g., “Todo” with ID, name, description) ✅ GraphQL schema compiled successfully.
type Song @model { id: ID! title: String! description: String! filePath: String! imgPath: String! }
@model 方便你 zero-effort 的建置 DynamoDB Table 與他的管理
- id:用來辨別不同的紀錄(record)的唯一識別碼(unique identifier)
- 除了我們訂定的欄位,真正被傳上去的還會有 createdAt(這是@model 自動生成的,代表這筆紀錄的創建時間戳記)
3. 把 API 部署到雲端上
amplify push
? Do you want to generate code for your newly created GraphQL API (Yes)
? Choose the code generation language target (javascript)
? Enter the file name pattern of graphql queries, mutations and subscriptions (src/graphql/**/*.js)
? Do you want to generate/update all possible GraphQL operations - queries, mutations and subscriptions (Yes)
? Enter maximum statement depth [increase from default if your schema is deeply nested] (2)
這個指令結束後,Amplify CLI 會幫你生成兩個重要的檔案:
- aws-exports.js
- graphql/*
4. 加入 Storage 並部署至雲端
amplify add storage && amplify push
? Select from one of the below mentioned services: Content (Images, audio, video, etc.)
✔ You need to add auth (Amazon Cognito) to your project in order to add storage for user files. Do you want to add auth now? (Y/n) · yes
Using service: Cognito, provided by: awscloudformation
The current configured provider is Amazon Cognito.
Do you want to use the default authentication and security configuration? Default confi
Warning: you will not be able to edit these selections.
How do you want users to be able to sign in? Email
Do you want to configure advanced settings? No, I am done.
✔ Provide a friendly name for your resource that will be used to label this category in the project: · s3712dfbec
✔ Provide bucket name: · amplifyworkshopf69063ba2b484a6c883118c762edca78
✔ Who should have access: · Auth and guest users
✔ What kind of access do you want for Authenticated users? · create/update, read
✔ What kind of access do you want for Guest users? · create/update, read
✔ Do you want to add a Lambda Trigger for your S3 Bucket? (y/N) · no
// import { Amplify } from "aws-amplify";
// import awsconfig from "./aws-exports";
// Amplify.configure(awsconfig);
- return
{songs.map((song, index) => {
return (
<div className="cards" key={song.id}>
{/** 觸碰到cardImg就會播放或暫停 */}
<div className="cardImg" onClick={() => toggleSong(index)}>
<img src={imgURLlist[index]} alt={song.title} />
{songsPlaying !== index || !isPlaying ? (
style={{ fontSize: "40px" }}
) : (
style={{ fontSize: "40px" }}
<div className="cardContent">
{songsPlaying === index ? (
<div className="AudioPlayer">
<div className="desc">
controls // display native player controls.
playing={songsPlaying === index && isPlaying} // when playingSong is fit with the current song. and user set it to play.
onPause={() => setIsPlaying(false)}
onPlay={() => setIsPlaying(true)}
) : null}
- [function] togglesong
const toggleSong = async (index) => {
if (songsPlaying === index) {
// setSongsPlaying("");
let songFilePath = songs[index].filePath;
const regex = /key=(.*?)}/;
const match = songFilePath.match(regex);
console.log("songFilePath => ", songFilePath);
try {
if (match) {
const key = match[1];
console.log("key => ", key);
songFilePath = key;
const fileAccessUrl = await Storage.get(songFilePath, { expires: 240 }); // 4分鐘後過期,保護你的資料
console.log("fileAccessUrl => ", songFilePath, fileAccessUrl);
} catch (error) {
// 有失誤的話就不播東西
console.error("error access the file from S3 => ", error);
- fetchSong 匯入後記得把 Main.js 中用到 fetchSong 的地方打開
const fetchSongs = async () => {
try {
const songData = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(listSongs));
const songList = songData.data.listSongs.items;
console.log("song List => ", songList);
const songsWithImgLinks = [];
const regex = /key=(.*?)}/;
await Promise.all(
songList.map(async (song) => {
let imgPath = song.imgPath;
const match = imgPath.match(regex);
if (match) {
const key = match[1];
console.log("key => ", key);
imgPath = key;
const imgAccessUrl = await Storage.get(imgPath, { expires: 180 });
console.log("imgPath, imgAccessUrl => ", imgPath, imgAccessUrl);
} catch (error) {
console.log("error on fetching songs => ", error);
記得打開註解,才能用 graphAPI 來 createSong
// await API.graphql(
// graphqlOperation(createSong, { input: createSongData })
// );
amplify add hosting
? Select the plugin module to execute: Hosting with Amplify Console (Managed hosting with custom domains, Continuous deployment)
? Choose a type: Manual Deployment
這邊選擇 Manual Deployment(手動部署),Amplify Hosting 也支援持續部署(CD)
接著 publish
amplify publish
如果你想將這個專案 AWS Amplify 在 AWS 上使用的資源以及在 local 建立的檔案刪除的話,可以輸入
amplify delete