wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/insidetrust/statistically-likely-usernames/master/top-formats.txt
awk '{print $1"@domain.com"}' top-formats.txt > top-formats.domain.txt
From: https://bitbucket.org/grimhacker/office365userenum/src/master/
Enumerate valid usernames from Office 365 using ActiveSync
Change the password it attemts in the python file itself
Example usage:
python2.7 office365userenum.py -u user_list -o output.txt
Response Code | Description |
200 | Successful login (good user/password) |
401 | Valid Username, bad password |
403 | Valid Username, good password, 2FA required |
404 | Invalid Username |
script to retrieve information via O365 with a valid cred
For most people, you will just have to install the MsOnline module
Install-Module MSOnline
If you want to use the commented out Azure stuff, you will have to install AzureAD
Install-Module -Name AzureAD
Now, with FLAGS! By default, will grab all data.
-U Get Userlist
-users_detailed Get detailed information for each user
-users_ldap Pull down user list in ldap style format
-G Get Group list
-M Get Group Membership
-D Get Domain list
-C Get Company info
-all Do simple enum - like enum4linux (-U -G -M -D -C). This is run if no other options are selected.
-outputfile Output file prefix
Example Usage:
.\o365recon.ps1 -outputfile TEST_OUTPUT
No parameters are required to run. It will prompt you to log in, and then it will retrieve all information it can about that account's O365 configuration.
- Company Info (address, etc)
- Domain Info (other domains)
- Full user list
- Full group list
- Group membership for every group
You'll see that the code for the Azure version is commented out, but it can be swapped in if you prefer that method.