Flip bits in files.
If you want to flip bits in files, this utility has got you covered. Flip specific bits, randomly flip a single bit, or spray hell all around..! Whatever rocks your boat, as long as you need some bits flipped.
$ echo hello world > /tmp/hello.world
$ cat < /tmp/hello.world
hello world
$ bitflip random /tmp/hello.world
2020/04/09 17:40:55 flipping 2th bit of byte 6 in file "/tmp/hello.world"
$ cat < /tmp/hello.world
hello sorld
From here, sky is the limit!
Why not flip 0.1% of the bits in your MySQL DB file?
bitflip spray percent:0.1 /var/lib/mysql/mydb.idb
wget https://github.com/aybabtme/bitflip/releases/download/v0.2.2/bitflip_0.2.2_linux_amd64.deb
dpkg -i bitflip_0.2.2_linux_amd64.deb
brew install aybabtme/homebrew-tap/bitflip
Builds are done using goreleaser. A GitHub workflow will take care of this, that being said, you can run goreleaser as follows:
NB. Builds will land in the
go install github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser/v2@latest
E.g. if you haven't a tag of your current repository state.
goreleaser build --snapshot --single-target --clean -f .goreleaser.yml
goreleaser release --skip=publish --clean -f .goreleaser.yml