Morden life is short, we are busy with stuff.
music-timesaver is a python script to change the music piece's duration to half of its original.
No speed up nor time stretch.
music-timesaver will let you listen to one music piece's even seconds in left ear and odd seconds in right ear at the SAME time.
This will allow you to spend half of the time for enjoying music.
ayrtbh_KloneConcerts3.mp3 is a piece from my 2008 Max/MSP algorithm piano music album The Klone Concerts.
ayrtbh_KloneConcerts3.mp3_in_half_time.mp3 is the music-timesaverEd piece.
brew install python3
brew install sox
Drag the music into the terminal window, hit enter, you will get the music-timesaverEd file in seconds.
You are welcome.