This Database Application is designed to simulate basic database operations.
- CRUD Operations: Perform create (insert), read (select), and delete operations.
- Transaction Support: Simulate the start, commit, and rollback of transactions.
Clone the repository and install the dependencies using Poetry:
poetry install
Start the application with Uvicorn:
poetry run uvicorn app.main:app --reload
Visit http://localhost:8000/docs to view the Swagger UI and test the API endpoints.
The project includes a Makefile to simplify common development tasks:
- make install: Install project dependencies.
- make isort: Sort import statements.
- make black: Format code according to Black's style.
- make flake8: Lint code to catch errors and enforce style.
- make mypy: Check types to catch type errors.
- make test: Run tests to ensure code changes don't break existing functionality.
- make format: Execute all linting and formatting commands.
- make start: Launch the FastAPI server.
- make clean: Clean up the project