- Gothenburg, Sweden
jalalidate Public
A library for working with Jalali Calendar (a.k.a Persian Calendar)
PlainTasks Public
An opinionated todo-list plugin for Sublime Text editor (version 2 and 3)
SublimeANSI Public
ANSI escape codes color highlighting for SublimeText 3
DistractionFreeWindow Public
SublimeText "Distraction free mode" but not full-screen! A windowed UI is more manageable and accessible yet it can be simple and sublime!
PlasticAB Public
Porting my plasticCodeWrap textmate/sublime color-scheme to vs-code
SublimeHyperClick Public
Quickly and easily jump between your files. The missing part of Go to definition functionality in Sublime.
tmTheme-Editor Public
Color scheme editor for SublimeText, Textmate and a bunch of other text editors
BetterFindBuffer Public
Adds a couple of missing features to SublimeText 3 Find Results buffer
SublimeSyntaxConvertor Public
Converts tmLanguage to sublime-syntax
fela Public
Forked from robinweser/felaState-Driven Styling in JavaScript
SublimeFileBrowser Public
Ditch sidebar and browse your files in a normal tab with keyboard, like a pro!
farsifu Public
A toolbox for developing ruby applications in Persian (Farsi) language, see readme for features
glamor Public
Forked from threepointone/glamorinline css for react et al
react-scrolllock Public
Forked from jossmac/react-scrolllockPrevent scroll on the <body /> when component is mounted.
sublime-js2coffee Public
Forked from nibblebot/sublime-js2coffee -
SideBarEnhancements Public
Forked from titoBouzout/SideBarEnhancementsEnhancements to Sublime Text sidebar. Files and folders.
Ecmascript-Sublime Public
Forked from bathos/Ecmascript-SublimeSublime-syntax definition for ES6+ with absurdly specific scopes
1 UpdatedNov 5, 2016 -
package_control_channel Public
Forked from wbond/package_control_channelDefault channel file for Package Control. Follow the directions at:
lebab-sublime Public
Forked from inkless/lebab-sublimeLebab plugin for sublime text 3
GitSavvy Public
Forked from timbrel/GitSavvyFull git and GitHub integration with Sublime Text 3.