A Simple python wrapper for the IT Glue API.
pip install itglue
- Python 3.6 or higher
For now this package only supports API Key authentication.
import itglue
itglue.connection.api_url = 'https://api.itglue.com'
itglue.connection.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Get all organizations
>>> itglue.Organization.get()
[<Organization id: 123, attributes: {...}>, <Organization id: 456, attributes: {...}>, ...]
Get organizations with a filter
>>> itglue.Organization.filter(name='Happy Frog')
[<Organization id: 123, attributes: {'name': 'Happy Frog', ...}>, ...]
Get organization by id
>>> itglue.Organization.find(123)
<Organization id: 123, attributes: {...}>
Get configurations for a specific organization
>>> organization = itglue.Organization.find(123)
>>> itglue.Configuration.get(parent=organization)
[<Configuration id: 456, attributes: {...}>, <Configuration id: 789, attributes: {...}>, ...]
You can also use the connection to execute requests and handle the data and response directly.
>>> itglue.connection.get('/configurations', params={ 'filter': {'name': 'HP-1'} })
[{'attributes': {'name': 'HP-1', 'id': '123', ...}, 'relationships': {} }, ...]
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/b-loyola/itglue-py.
The package is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.