Code for the RL lab course 2022/2023 - University of Verona
MDP and Monte Carlo solution for maze solving
Minimal and Clean Reinforcement Learning Examples
Grid world: Monte-Carlo, SARSA, Q-Learning
Implementation of fundamental concepts and algorithms for reinforcement learning
Duane321 / reinforcement-learning-resources
Forked from datascienceid/reinforcement-learning-resourcesA curated list of awesome reinforcement courses, video lectures, books, library and many more.
π― Curated coding interview preparation materials for busy software engineers
This contains the list of almost all the internship available for Indian college students.
Solutions to Sutton and Barto book exercises
Network Intrusion Detection KDDCup '99', NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15
Code for IDS-ML: intrusion detection system development using machine learning algorithms (Decision tree, random forest, extra trees, XGBoost, stacking, k-means, Bayesian optimization..)
π Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
Learn Low Level Design (LLD) and prepare for interviews using free resources.
Paid internship list with details .
List of Research Internships for Undergraduate Students
Author's PyTorch implementation of TD3 for OpenAI gym tasks
Reasoning in Large Language Models: Papers and Resources, including Chain-of-Thought and OpenAI o1 π
Pre-processing NSL-KDD dataset using Data mining techniques. Algorithm written in python to detect the attacks in NSL KDD dataset.
Corresponding code to "Finding Needles in a Moving Haystack: Prioritizing Alerts with Adversarial Reinforcement Learning " @ AAAI 2020.
A collection of algorithms and data structures
Collection of leetcode company tag problems. Periodically updating.