Experiments Kotlin DSL for JVM class generation
_class("Test") {
_method("main", listOf("args" to Array<String>::class.java), PUBLIC + STATIC) {
_code {
_getstatic(System::class.java, "out", PrintStream::class.java)
_ldc("Hello world!")
_invokeVirtual(PrintStream::class.java, "println", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V")
Following record:
public record Point(int x, int y) {
Can be created using following Katartal code:
_record("Point", listOf("x" to Int::class.java, "y" to Int::class.java))
Enum with simple values:
public enum EnumWithPlainValues {
A, B, C, D;
Using Katartal DSL:
_enum("EnumWithPlainValues") {
However, if values have fields, implementation becomes trickier. For example:
public enum EnumWithFields {
A(1000), B(10000), C(100000);
private final int num;
EnumWithFields(int num) {
this.num = num;
public int getNum() {
return num;
We have to implement constructor and partial field initializer by ourselves:
_enum("EnumWithFields") {
_value("A") {
_value("B") {
_value("C") {
_field("num", Int::class.java, FieldAccess.PRIVATE)
_method("getNum") {
_code {
_instruction(GETFIELD) {
_indexU2(constantPool.writeFieldRef(className, "num", "I"))
} returns Int::class.java
_constructor(listOf("name" to String::class.java, "ordinal" to Int::class.java, "num" to Int::class.java)) {
_code {
_instruction(INVOKESPECIAL) {
_indexU2(constantPool.writeMethodRef("java/lang/Enum", "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V"))
_instruction(PUTFIELD) {
_indexU2(constantPool.writeFieldRef(className, "num", "I"))
Solution in Java:
public class Test {
public static String[] fizzBuzz(int count) {
String[] result = new String[count];
for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
if (i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 == 0) {
result[i - 1] = "FizzBuzz";
} else if (i % 3 == 0) {
result[i - 1] = "Fizz";
} else if (i % 5 == 0) {
result[i - 1] = "Buzz";
return result;
Similar solution with Katartal:
_class("Test") {
_method("fizzBuzz", listOf("count" to Int::class.java), PUBLIC + STATIC) {
_locals {
_var("result", Array<String>::class.java, 5u, 66u)
_var("i", Int::class.java, 7u, 62u)
_code(maxLocals = 3, maxStack = 3) {
// String[] result = new String[count]
_instruction(ANEWARRAY) {
// i = 1
_stackFrame {
_append(ObjectVar(Array<String>::class.java), IntegerVar())
val forLabel = label()
_instruction(ILOAD_2) // i
_instruction(ILOAD_0) // count
// i < count
_if(IF_ICMPGT) {
// i % 3
_mathOperation(IREM, ILOAD_2, ICONST_3)
_if(IFNE) {
// i % 5
_mathOperation(IREM, ILOAD_2, ICONST_5)
_if(IFNE) {
// then
_mathOperation(ISUB, ILOAD_2, ICONST_1)
_stackFrame {
// else if(i % 3)
_mathOperation(IREM, ILOAD_2, ICONST_3)
_if(IFNE) {
_mathOperation(ISUB, ILOAD_2, ICONST_1)
_stackFrame {
// else if(i % 3)
_mathOperation(IREM, ILOAD_2, ICONST_5)
_if(IFNE) {
_mathOperation(ISUB, ILOAD_2, ICONST_1)
_stackFrame {
// i++
_instruction(IINC) {
_stackFrame {
} returns Array<String>::class.java
_class("Test") {
_constructor(listOf("name" to String::class.java)) { }
name = "equals",
parameters = listOf("other" to Object::class.java),
returns = Boolean::class.java
) {
} throws FileNotFoundException::class.java
} extends ArrayList::class.java implements Serializable::class.java