Android/Kotlin codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.
- Article/Story/Blog writing application like medium:page_with_curl:.
- Users can follow other users to see their articles in their feed:boy:.
- Users can also comment on the articles:pencil2:.
- Clean and Simple Material UI:sparkles::sparkles:.
- It supports dark theme too 🌗.
- Kotlin - First class and official programming language for Android development.
- kotlin coroutines - that enable you to write clean, simplified asynchronous code that keeps your app responsive while managing long-running tasks such as network calls or disk operations.
- Android Architecture Components - Collection of libraries that help you design robust, testable, and maintainable apps.
- LiveData - Data objects that notify views when the underlying database changes.
- ViewModel - Stores UI-related data that isn't destroyed on UI changes.
- Jetpack Navigation Architecture - Android Jetpack's Navigation component helps you implement navigation, from simple button clicks to more complex patterns, such as app bars and the navigation drawer. The Navigation component also ensures a consistent and predictable user experience by adhering to an established set of principles.
- Retrofit - A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java.
- Moshi - Moshi is a modern JSON library for Android and Java. It makes it easy to parse JSON into Java objects:
- Moshi Converter - A Converter which uses Moshi for serialization to and from JSON.
- Material Components for Android - Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for Android.
The project follows the general MVVM structure without any specifics.
There are two modules in the project
- The UI of the app. The main project that forms the APKapi
- The REST API consumption library. Pure JVM library not Android-specific