Installation Notes for the Survivable Social Network Project.
- VirtualBox (v4.2.6 or newer)
The Vagrant box can be created in any directory. The key files the make Vagrant work correctly are the Vagrantfile and You will find copies of these files in both the social-network-engine folder and the node-directory folder. The instructions that follow explain how to create these files from scratch. In this example, the social-network-engine project will be used
Install the vagrant gem
gem install vagrant
Download the official Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit Base Box (see for the most up-to-date link) and install it
vagrant box add ssn_development
Change to the social-network-engine folder.
cd social-network-engine
Initialize Vagrant to create a generic Vagrantfile in your directory.
vagrant init
Modify the Vagrantfile to include the following lines = "ssn_development" config.vm.forward_port 3000, 3000 config.vm.provision :shell, :path => "" config.vm.customize["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", 1024] config.vm.customize["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus", 2]
Create and add the following lines. The commands will be run when the Vagrant box is setup.
#!/usr/bin/env bash # Update the system apt-get update # Install required packages apt-get install -y git-core apt-get install -y git # Install RVM if required if [ ! -e /usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm ] then echo "Installing RVM..." curl -L | bash -s stable source /etc/profile.d/ rvm autolibs enable rvm install 1.9.3-p385 fi # Load RVM into the shell source /etc/profile.d/ # Switch to the correct ruby version rvm use 1.9.3-p385
Start the vagrant VM and initialize an SSH session
vagrant up vagrant ssh
Install the Vagrant gem
gem install vagrant
Clone the repo and navigate to the social-network-engine folder
git clone [email protected]:CMU-SSN/SSN.git cd social-network-engine
Start the Vagrant VM (this may take some time on the first boot) and initialize an SSH session
vagrant up vagrant ssh
Change to the social-network-engine folder on the VM
cd /vagrant
Run bundler and install all of the required gems
bundle install
Start the rails server or run any other rails commands as normal
bundle exec rails server
For more Vagrant commands, see
Stop the vagrant VM
vagrant halt
Change your directory to social-network-engine
cd social-network-engine
Use Capistrano to deploy to the server
cap deploy:update cap deploy:migrate cap deploy:restart