This app was created during NUS' Makerthon 2022. The theme was "Wellbeing & Community", with a focus on Mental Health.
With this in mind, my team and I decided to create a mood tracking app with tele-medicine capabilities. Essentially, this meant that we had to set up some kind of flow in order to connect students with the University's Counselling Services.
The app is 100% functional, with possible improvements in the future (such as having an actual backend for booking appointments). To see the full journey, you can visit my documentation page (not exactly super clean) here
This app has mood tracking capabilities, and rewards you with Noodals whenever you complete your mood tracking for the day! Noodals can be used to unlock more Moodal skins (currently, Moustache, Sunglasses, Arms and Avatar).
This app also has resources for users to browse through, to improve/maintain their mental hygiene. Resources have been curated from official sources, and most of the app was done based off actual, scientific research. You are also able to set daily reminders from the app, to remind you to do your mood tracking.
Furthermore, we have a list of services for users to utilise. This is mainly for NUS students, but others can also use it. For example, one could talk to a PFA (to be completed next time, as we do not have the actual resources/capabilities for this yet!), or find a list of hotlines (anonymous or not), and even do the K-10 Mental Health survey, and we'll recommend you actions to be taken accordingly. Regrettably, the UHC visit is only meant for NUS students, but we hope that we're somehow able to extend this to actual hospitals outside of the scope of NUS eventually.
You can provide feedback via the app, or you can email me at: [email protected] to give feedback. It would be greatly appreciated!
We also hope to be able to incentivise people to use the app more, not just through in-app rewards, but possibly tangible rewards. So if we could manage to get some sort of sponsors, then we would be able to incentivise people by giving out E-vouchers!
On the more technical aspect, we hope to be able to integrate with actual hospitals in order to leverage on their booking system, so we can have an actual, working flow. This way, more people can have access to mental health resources and also be able to book for appointments easily, and gain anonymous resources for help.
Furthermore, possible upgrades could also include slight gamification such as having Soul Characters that would encourage the user in one way or another. With Soul Characters, we can also set up an in-app chat system where people can talk to each other about their worries anonymously.
For now, there are no more plans to continue this project. This is because there are no longer any plans for collaboration. However, if you're an organisation and see potential in our idea, do contact me through my email. However, if you are actively using this app and notice any bugs, please do not hesitate to send a bug report!
- Credits to Wei Jie for the majority of the development in the app.
- Credits to Jerome for doing up the dashboard and helping out with the styling.
- Credits to Shaun for coming up with the medical resources, and providing a proper workflow.
- Credits to Rachelle for doing up the art (all the Moodals!), and coming up with the overall UI design for the app.
Also special thanks to Flaticon, where we used some of their icons for our bottom tabs.