Simple expess-webpack template with hot reloading
###Installation install dependencies:
npm install
run the app in dev mode - launches server with nodemon and watches server files and hot-module-replaces frontend
npm run dev
default start (use NODE_ENV=production to test production build without hot-module replacement)
npm start
build for production (no source maps, no hot-module-replacement)
npm run build
build app with source maps (useful for debuggin production build)
npm run build-dev
###Notes webpack will serve the build.js file from memory, however if there are errors building the file, the app will load the /public/build.js file from the file system and it may not reflect the latest changes
css is processed using postcss with autoprefixer, easings (you can use easings from and precss (you can write sass style css)
for more infoe see
example of css you can write:
transition: all .6s easeInQuart;
transform: translateX(100%);
all css is required inside the index.js file and is built into the final bundle.js