The theme is cloned For details, see this post. Huge thank you to Gregory for the simple, minimalistic, working blog template!
This is still using a bit of an old jekyll, so you'll have to install with these instructions:
- Install rvm (
- Install Ruby 2.x and Bundler
rvm pkg install openssl
rvm reinstall ruby-2 --with-openssl-dir=$rvm_path/usr
gem install bundler -v 2.4.22
- Run by:
bundle exec jekyll serve
- To include drafts
bundle exec jekyll serve --drafts
I use the docs folder with Github pages, so run this before committing and git push
bundle exec jekyll build -d docs
This is a bit annoying but the CNAME entry gets deleted by the build process. Until I find a better way to do this don't forget to readd it before pushing.
git add .
git checkout docs/CNAME