cpp_starter_project Public template
Forked from cpp-best-practices/gui_starter_templateA template CMake project to get you started with C++ and tooling
CMake The Unlicense UpdatedOct 29, 2021 -
VulkanTutorial Public
Forked from Overv/VulkanTutorialTutorial for the Vulkan graphics and compute API
C++ UpdatedDec 11, 2016 -
LearnOpenGL Public
Forked from JoeyDeVries/LearnOpenGLCode repository of all tutorials found at http://learnopengl.com
C++ UpdatedMar 6, 2016 -
Baseball-Reference-Plotting Public
Utilities for gather information from Baseball Reference and saving plots to file.
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedOct 8, 2015 -
Euler Public
I had originally done some of these a several years ago, but a hard drive failure later, thought I might do some again.
Python UpdatedAug 25, 2015 -
ProgrammingAssignment2 Public
Forked from rdpeng/ProgrammingAssignment2Repository for Programming Assignment 2 for R Programming on Coursera
R UpdatedJun 12, 2014 -
TablingSqliteOutuput Public
Takes sqlite queries results stored in files, transforms data into table format.
Python The Unlicense UpdatedOct 31, 2013 -
99.Prolog.Problems Public
Prolog problems found online. Haven't used Prolog since time in University, just to pass the time and refresher.
Prolog The Unlicense UpdatedOct 25, 2013 -
simpleSorts Public
Sort bars graphs using simple algorithms. Uses SFML 2.0.
C++ Other UpdatedOct 17, 2013 -
Line-Graph Public
Line graph using sfml 1.6. Original idea for this was to track how many people Starbucks customers left during my morning breaks at the college library.
C++ UpdatedFeb 28, 2013 -
ScreenCapture Public
Program/script to take a single or periodic snapshot of desktop; uses native linux calls.
Python UpdatedSep 8, 2012