Creating an youtube clone
Login : This feature allows registered users and administrators to log in to the web application using their email and password.
Register: This feature enables new users to create an account by providing their name, email, and a password.
Forgot Password: This feature enables users who have forgotten their password to reset it by requesting a password reset email.
Search: This feature enables users to search for specific items within those sets.
Video (CRUD): This feature allows users to create, read, update, and delete video content.
Watch video: This feature allows users to watch video content on the web application.
Increase Views: This feature tracks the number of views that a video content receives and updates the view count accordingly.
Like video: This feature enables users to express their preference for video content by liking it.
Comment & reply for video: This feature enables users to leave comments and replies on video content.
Delete video: This feature allows users to delete their video content from the web application.
Subscribe to a channel: This feature enables users to subscribe to channels and receive notifications when new video content is uploaded.
Subscriptions: This feature displays a list of the channels to which the user is subscribed.
History (CRUD): This feature allows users to view and delete their watch history.
Settings: This feature allows users to modify their account settings, such as their channel name, email, and password.
Modify channel name and email: This feature enables users to update the name and email associated with their channel.
Change password: This feature allows users to change their password.
- Create basic UI for all pages in the app
- Login flow
- Sign up flow
- Basic CRUD operation to get list of videos (display list of videos)
- Create a new channel , Add new channel, delete channel (channel CRUD)
- Work on UI
- Work on get history for a particular user
- Work on like, share, comment , subscribe features
- To create CRUD operations for delete a video, update video details
- Test workflow
- Add validations
- Refine UI
- Identify flow and edge cases if required.
- Presentation of the project
Week 1: Designing basic UI for login page and sign up page - Aishwarya , Barathi Designing basic home page which will show list of videos - Aishwarya , Harish
As a user, I should be able to: Create and Update an User account - Karthik , Barathi Acceptance Criteria: User email should be unique or not be used previously. For updating the username, new username should not be used by others or it should be unique.
As a user, I should be able to: View and Delete my account - Harish , Karthik Acceptance Criteria: To view the profile, user should be logged in. Similary for deleting the profile, first the user should be logged in.
Week 2:
Design UI for channel page - Aishwarya
Create and Update channel code flow - barathi
View and delete channel code flow - Harish
View history for a particular user flow with UI - Karthik
Week 3: Design like, share and comment features with UI - Karthik Upload video - Harish Delete video operation with UI - Barathi Test workflows with possible - Barathi
Week 4: Create flow for subscribers/ subscription - Aishwarya , Barathi Presentation of the project. - Harish , Aishwarya , barathi , Karthik Video for project presentation. - Harish , Aishwarya , barathi , Karthik Workflow testing and executing the project. - Harish , Aishwarya , barathi , Karthik UI refining - Harish , Aishwarya , barathi , Karthik
Videos: You can retrieve information about specific videos or search for videos using the videos resource. For example, you can use the GET /videos endpoint to retrieve information about a specific video or a list of videos that match a search query.
Channels: You can retrieve information about YouTube channels, such as channel metadata, playlists, and subscriptions using the channels resource. For example, you can use the GET /channels endpoint to retrieve information about a specific channel or a list of channels that match a search query.
Comments: You can retrieve and manage comments on videos using the comments resource. For example, you can use the GET /comments endpoint to retrieve comments on a specific video or the POST /comments endpoint to add a new comment to a video.
Search: You can search for videos, channels, and playlists using the search resource. For example, you can use the GET /search endpoint to search for videos with a specific keyword or filter by various criteria, such as location, duration, or view count.
Subscriptions: You can manage subscriptions to channels using the subscriptions resource. For example, you can use the POST /subscriptions endpoint to subscribe a user to a channel or the DELETE /subscriptions endpoint to unsubscribe a user from a channel.
Activities: You can retrieve information about user activity on YouTube, such as liking a video or adding a video to a playlist, using the activities resource. For example, you can use the GET /activities endpoint to retrieve a list of a user's recent activity or the POST /activities endpoint to mark an activity as read.
Captions: You can manage captions for videos using the captions resource. For example, you can use the GET /captions endpoint to retrieve information about a specific caption track or the POST /captions endpoint to upload a new caption track.