Gin is a web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a martini-like API with performance that is up to 40 times faster thanks to httprouter.
- Simple code - can save the developer a lot of time in large projects.
- High performance.
- Error management.
- Easy JSON authentication.
- Gin has a mode test.
- Not flexible in development.
- Can add more complexity to your project and slow down the development time, the infrastructure now depends on the package that other people maintain.
- net/http: it's easier to use and can handle more cases.
- fasthttp: was designed for some high-performance edge cases.
- fiber: built on top of the fasthttp HTTP engine for Go, which is the fastest HTTP engine for Go.
- echo: supports HTTP/2 for faster performance and an overall better user experience and has automatic TLS certificates.
Backend Golang application that has the following routes (using gin):
- PUT /user - add a new user, you need to add a JSON including email, username, and password in the request body.
- GET /user - to get an existing user, you need to add an email in the request form-data.
- POST /user - to update a username and password for an existing user, you need to add a JSON including email, username, and password in the request body.
- DELETE /user - to delete an existing user, you need to add an email in the request form-data.
- GET /users - returns a JSON array with the list of users.
- Golang: version >= 1.18
- docker: version >= 20.10.17
- docker compose: version >= 2.7.0
$ docker compose up --build
[baria@~ gin-crud-users-server]$ docker compose up --build
[+] Building 40.2s (17/17) FINISHED
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 694B 0.0s
=> [internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 2B 0.0s
=> [internal] load metadata for 0.0s
=> CACHED [stage-0 1/9] FROM 0.0s
=> [internal] load build context 0.1s
=> => transferring context: 396.05kB 0.1s
=> [stage-0 2/9] ADD go.mod /go/src/gin_CRUD_server/go.mod 0.1s
=> [stage-0 3/9] ADD go.sum /go/src/gin_CRUD_server/go.sum 0.1s
=> [stage-0 4/9] WORKDIR /go/src/gin_CRUD_server 0.1s
=> [stage-0 5/9] RUN go mod download 14.4s
=> [stage-0 6/9] ADD . /go/src/gin_CRUD_server/ 0.2s
=> [stage-0 7/9] WORKDIR /go/src/gin_CRUD_server/ 0.1s
=> [stage-0 8/9] RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y ca-certificates 9.6s
=> [stage-0 9/9] RUN go build -o server . 14.8s
=> CACHED [stage-1 1/3] COPY ssl.key /etc/ssl/certs/ 0.0s
=> CACHED [stage-1 2/3] COPY ssl.crt /etc/ssl/certs/ 0.0s
=> [stage-1 3/3] COPY --from=0 /go/src/gin_CRUD_server/server . 0.3s
=> exporting to image 0.2s
=> => exporting layers 0.2s
=> => writing image sha256:2e897fb304c45f26b675ed4aba01837abf458bb1465c2b477c10a5b44ab4f0d9 0.0s
=> => naming to 0.0s
Use 'docker scan' to run Snyk tests against images to find vulnerabilities and learn how to fix them
[+] Running 4/4
⠿ Network gin-crud-users-server_default Created 0.5s
⠿ Volume "gin-crud-users-server_data" Created 0.0s
⠿ Container gin-crud-users-server-database-1 Created 0.1s
⠿ Container gin-crud-users-server-server-1 Created 0.1s
Attaching to gin-crud-users-server-database-1, gin-crud-users-server-server-1
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | This user must also own the server process.
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 |
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | The database cluster will be initialized with locale "en_US.utf8".
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8".
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | The default text search configuration will be set to "english".
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 |
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | Data page checksums are disabled.
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 |
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | fixing permissions on existing directory /var/lib/postgresql/data ... ok
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | creating subdirectories ... ok
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | selecting default max_connections ... 100
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | selecting default shared_buffers ... 128MB
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | selecting default time zone ... Etc/UTC
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | creating configuration files ... ok
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | running bootstrap script ... ok
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | performing post-bootstrap initialization ... ok
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | syncing data to disk ... initdb: warning: enabling "trust" authentication for local connections
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | You can change this by editing pg_hba.conf or using the option -A, or
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | --auth-local and --auth-host, the next time you run initdb.
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | ok
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 |
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 |
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | Success. You can now start the database server using:
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 |
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgresql/data -l logfile start
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 |
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | waiting for server to start....2022-07-23 13:27:20.757 UTC [48] LOG: starting PostgreSQL 14.4 (Debian 14.4-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | 2022-07-23 13:27:20.759 UTC [48] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | 2022-07-23 13:27:20.768 UTC [49] LOG: database system was shut down at 2022-07-23 13:27:20 UTC
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | 2022-07-23 13:27:20.774 UTC [48] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | done
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | server started
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | CREATE DATABASE
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 |
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 |
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | /usr/local/bin/ running /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/create_tables.sql
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | CREATE TABLE
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 |
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 |
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | waiting for server to shut down....2022-07-23 13:27:21.281 UTC [48] LOG: received fast shutdown request
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | 2022-07-23 13:27:21.284 UTC [48] LOG: aborting any active transactions
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | 2022-07-23 13:27:21.285 UTC [48] LOG: background worker "logical replication launcher" (PID 55) exited with exit code 1
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | 2022-07-23 13:27:21.288 UTC [50] LOG: shutting down
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | 2022-07-23 13:27:21.350 UTC [48] LOG: database system is shut down
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | done
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | server stopped
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 |
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up.
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 |
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | 2022-07-23 13:27:21.414 UTC [1] LOG: starting PostgreSQL 14.4 (Debian 14.4-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | 2022-07-23 13:27:21.415 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | 2022-07-23 13:27:21.415 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | 2022-07-23 13:27:21.419 UTC [1] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | 2022-07-23 13:27:21.425 UTC [64] LOG: database system was shut down at 2022-07-23 13:27:21 UTC
gin-crud-users-server-database-1 | 2022-07-23 13:27:21.432 UTC [1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | [GIN-debug] [WARNING] Creating an Engine instance with the Logger and Recovery middleware already attached.
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 |
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | [GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production.
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | - using env: export GIN_MODE=release
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | - using code: gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode)
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 |
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | [GIN-debug] PUT /user --> main.AddUserHandler (3 handlers)
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | [GIN-debug] GET /user --> main.GetUserHandler (3 handlers)
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | [GIN-debug] POST /user --> main.UpdateUserHandler (3 handlers)
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | [GIN-debug] DELETE /user --> main.DeleteUserHandler (3 handlers)
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | [GIN-debug] GET /users --> main.ListUsersHandler (3 handlers)
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | [GIN-debug] Listening and serving HTTP on listener what's bind with address@[::]:3000
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | [GIN-debug] [WARNING] You trusted all proxies, this is NOT safe. We recommend you to set a value.
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | Please check for details.
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | [GIN] 2022/07/23 - 13:31:42 | 200 | 17.538962ms | | PUT "/user"
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | [GIN] 2022/07/23 - 13:31:56 | 200 | 2.898708ms | | GET "/users"
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | [GIN] 2022/07/23 - 13:32:20 | 200 | 17.781365ms | | PUT "/user"
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | [GIN] 2022/07/23 - 13:32:44 | 400 | 32.787µs | | DELETE "/user"
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | [GIN] 2022/07/23 - 13:33:17 | 200 | 25.724964ms | | POST "/user"
gin-crud-users-server-server-1 | [GIN] 2022/07/23 - 13:33:20 | 200 | 1.645589ms | | GET "/users"
- For testing PUT /user
curl -X PUT https://localhost:3000/user \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{"email": "<email>","name": "<username>","password": "<password>"}'
- For testing GET /user
curl -X GET https://localhost:3000/user --form 'email=<email>'
- For testing POST /user
curl -X POST https://localhost:3000/user \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{"email": "<email>","name": "<username>","password": "<password>"}'
- For testing DELETE /user
curl -X DELETE https://localhost:3000/user --form 'email=<email>'
- For testing GET /users
curl -X GET https://localhost:3000/users
=== RUN Test_createTLSCert
=== RUN Test_createTLSCert/Failed_to_create_due_to_empty_certFile
Cannot load TLS certificate from certFile="", keyFile="ssl.key": open : no such file or directory
=== RUN Test_createTLSCert/Failed_to_create_due_to_empty_keyFile
Cannot load TLS certificate from certFile="ssl.crt", keyFile="": open : no such file or directory
=== RUN Test_createTLSCert/Creates_TLS_cert_successfully
=== RUN Test_createTLSCert/Failed_to_create_due_to_empty_port
--- PASS: Test_createTLSCert (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_createTLSCert/Failed_to_create_due_to_empty_certFile (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_createTLSCert/Failed_to_create_due_to_empty_keyFile (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_createTLSCert/Creates_TLS_cert_successfully (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_createTLSCert/Failed_to_create_due_to_empty_port (0.00s)
=== RUN TestListUsersHandler
=== RUN TestListUsersHandler/Failed_to_get_users_list_due_to_incorrect_URL
The users map is empty
=== RUN TestListUsersHandler/Gets_fail_due_to_empty_users_map
The users map is empty
=== RUN TestListUsersHandler/Gets_users_list_successfully_(if_there_are_users_in_the_folder)
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
--- PASS: TestListUsersHandler (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestListUsersHandler/Failed_to_get_users_list_due_to_incorrect_URL (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestListUsersHandler/Gets_fail_due_to_empty_users_map (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestListUsersHandler/Gets_users_list_successfully_(if_there_are_users_in_the_folder) (0.00s)
=== RUN TestAddUserHandler
=== RUN TestAddUserHandler/Adds_a_new_user_successfully
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
## [email protected] added successfully:
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
=== RUN TestAddUserHandler/Adds_fail_due_to_incorrect_user_(nil)
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
=== RUN TestAddUserHandler/Adds_fail_due_to_incorrect_URL
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
=== RUN TestAddUserHandler/Adds_fail_due_to_incorrect_empty_user
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
=== RUN TestAddUserHandler/Adds_fail_due_to_the_invalid_email
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
--- PASS: TestAddUserHandler (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestAddUserHandler/Adds_a_new_user_successfully (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestAddUserHandler/Adds_fail_due_to_incorrect_user_(nil) (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestAddUserHandler/Adds_fail_due_to_incorrect_URL (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestAddUserHandler/Adds_fail_due_to_incorrect_empty_user (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestAddUserHandler/Adds_fail_due_to_the_invalid_email (0.00s)
=== RUN TestGetUserHandler
=== RUN TestGetUserHandler/Gets_fail_due_to_empty_email
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
=== RUN TestGetUserHandler/Gets_fail_due_to_the_invalid_email
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
=== RUN TestGetUserHandler/Gets_an_existing_user_successfully
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
## [email protected] gets successfully:
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
=== RUN TestGetUserHandler/Gets_fail_due_to_the_user_doesn't_exist
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
=== RUN TestGetUserHandler/Gets_fail_due_to_incorrect_URL
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
--- PASS: TestGetUserHandler (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestGetUserHandler/Gets_fail_due_to_empty_email (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestGetUserHandler/Gets_fail_due_to_the_invalid_email (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestGetUserHandler/Gets_an_existing_user_successfully (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestGetUserHandler/Gets_fail_due_to_the_user_doesn't_exist (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestGetUserHandler/Gets_fail_due_to_incorrect_URL (0.00s)
=== RUN TestUpdateUserHandler
=== RUN TestUpdateUserHandler/Updates_fail_due_to_incorrect_user_(nil)
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
=== RUN TestUpdateUserHandler/Updates_fail_due_to_incorrect_URL
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
=== RUN TestUpdateUserHandler/Updates_fail_due_to_incorrect_empty_user
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
=== RUN TestUpdateUserHandler/Updates_an_existing_user_successfully
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
## [email protected] updated successfully:
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari2, Password: 12345
=== RUN TestUpdateUserHandler/Updates_fail_due_to_incorrect_email
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari2, Password: 12345
--- PASS: TestUpdateUserHandler (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUpdateUserHandler/Updates_fail_due_to_incorrect_user_(nil) (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUpdateUserHandler/Updates_fail_due_to_incorrect_URL (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUpdateUserHandler/Updates_fail_due_to_incorrect_empty_user (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUpdateUserHandler/Updates_an_existing_user_successfully (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestUpdateUserHandler/Updates_fail_due_to_incorrect_email (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDeleteUserHandler
=== RUN TestDeleteUserHandler/Deletes_fail_due_to_empty_email
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
=== RUN TestDeleteUserHandler/Deletes_user_successfully
Current users map:
* Email: [email protected], Username: bari, Password: 1234
## [email protected] deleted successfully:
The users map is empty
=== RUN TestDeleteUserHandler/Deletes_fail_due_to_the_invalid_email
The users map is empty
=== RUN TestDeleteUserHandler/Deletes_fail_due_to_incorrect_URL
The users map is empty
=== RUN TestDeleteUserHandler/Deletes_fail_due_to_the_user_doesn't_exist
The users map is empty
--- PASS: TestDeleteUserHandler (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestDeleteUserHandler/Deletes_fail_due_to_empty_email (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestDeleteUserHandler/Deletes_user_successfully (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestDeleteUserHandler/Deletes_fail_due_to_the_invalid_email (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestDeleteUserHandler/Deletes_fail_due_to_incorrect_URL (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestDeleteUserHandler/Deletes_fail_due_to_the_user_doesn't_exist (0.00s)
=== RUN Test_getStatusAndMsgErr
=== RUN Test_getStatusAndMsgErr/Gets_status_code_404
=== RUN Test_getStatusAndMsgErr/Gets_status_code_500
--- PASS: Test_getStatusAndMsgErr (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_getStatusAndMsgErr/Gets_status_code_404 (0.00s)
--- PASS: Test_getStatusAndMsgErr/Gets_status_code_500 (0.00s)
=== RUN Test_setupRouter
--- PASS: Test_setupRouter (0.00s)
coverage: 63.2% of statements in ./...