A Collection of apps to help people through the Covid 19 outbreak and more.
While self-isolating we couldn't help but think that we should and could be doing more. If technology has taken over the world, then surely it can help now. While the first instinct was to try and solve all the problems at once, we've decided to start small and focus on one hardship everyone is facing...
Helping people help people.
If you would like to help out, we would definitely be grateful, hit us up on twitter @barranger or @annie_Berger
MVP is a software term that means "What's the least this product can do and still be useful". For the start of this project, here is how we are trying to help:
Person A states that they are going to be going to the store in an hour
A notification goes to all of the friends and family that Person A has added to their "network", which includes Person B
Person B indicates that they need A Can of Diced Tomatoes
Person A goes to the store and buys A Can of Diced Tomatoes
Person A Drops off the can at Person B's home
Outside of this application Person B reimburses Person A for the cost of A Can of Diced Tomatoes
Note: this app does not handle payments
Given those requirements, here are the discrete tasks we will be looking at implementing in the first version:
- User can sign up/sign in with Facebook/Google/other common provider (via Azure AD B2C)
- User can invite other users to be part of their network
- User can state that they plan on going to the store
- System sends out a notification to all users in the network prompting them to identify needed/wanted items from the store
- User can add items to their needed/wanted list
- System informs all parties that payment must be handled outside of the application
- User can indicate that they have picked up an item (or that it's isn't available)