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Pete Story edited this page Aug 20, 2024 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the cewe2pdf wiki!

This shows the (edited) output of a run on the tests\unittest_fotobook album, where similar lines have been replaced by a [snip snip] line. This gives you some idea of what you might expect to see when you create a pdf from your album. The amount of diagnostic output can be adjusted with the loggerconfig.yaml file; you'll probably want to do that as soon as you've got your configuration set up, to reduce the font and clipart information which is the same on most runs.


To keep double pages (else all pages will be as single page in PDF) use --keepDoublePages option.

(base) D:\Users\someone\Source\GitHub\cewe2pdf\tests>python ..\ unittest_fotobook.mcfx
WARNING:root:No module named 'pillow_heif': direct use of .heic images is not available
INFO:root:Unpacking mcfx to C:\Users\someone\AppData\Local\Temp\tmped1bn9ch
INFO:root:Connected to mcfx database
INFO:root:Disconnected from mcfx database
INFO:root:returned to cwd D:\Users\someone\Source\GitHub\cewe2pdf\tests, mcfname C:\Users\someone\AppData\Local\Temp\tmped1bn9ch\data.mcf
INFO:root:Trying cewe2pdf.ini from current directory and from the album directory.
INFO:root:Using configuration in: ['cewe2pdf.ini', 'D:\\Users\\someone\\Source\\GitHub\\cewe2pdf\\tests\\cewe2pdf.ini']
INFO:root:cewe_folder is C:\Program Files\Elkjop fotoservice_6.3\elkjop fotoservice
INFO:root:Installed key account data folder at {kadf}
INFO:root:Using image resolution 150, background resolution 150
INFO:root:Using fonts from: D:\Users\someone\Source\GitHub\cewe2pdf\tests\additional_fonts.txt
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Accepting otf->ttf font conversion: C:\Users\someone\AppData\Local\cewe2pdf\CEWEHead-Bold.ttf
[snip snip]
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Accepting otf->ttf font conversion: C:\Users\someone\AppData\Local\cewe2pdf\gillsansstd.ttf
WARNING:cewe2pdf.config:Revised regular fontFullName 'Alegreya Sans Regular' to 'Alegreya Sans'
[snip snip]
WARNING:cewe2pdf.config:fontFullName == fontFamily 'Balloon Caps' for a non-regular subfamily 'Xbold'. A bit strange!
[snip snip]
WARNING:cewe2pdf.config:Unhandled fontSubFamily 'Book', using fontFamily 'Pecita' as the regular font name
WARNING:cewe2pdf.config:Revised regular fontFullName 'CEWE Head Regular' to 'CEWE Head'
WARNING:cewe2pdf.config:Revised regular fontFullName 'Crafty Girls Regular' to 'Crafty Girls'
[snip snip]
WARNING:cewe2pdf.config:Revised regular fontFullName 'Lucida Sans Typewriter Regular' to 'Lucida Sans Typewriter'
INFO:root:Registering 404 fonts
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Registered 'Aldrich' from 'C:\Program Files\Elkjop fotoservice_6.3\elkjop fotoservice\Resources\photofun\fonts\Aldrich-Regular.ttf'
[snip snip]
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Registered 'LiebeErika Medium' from 'C:\Users\someone\AppData\Local\cewe2pdf\LiebeErika-Medium.ttf'
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Registered 'Crafty Girls' from 'C:\Users\someone\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts\CraftyGirls-Regular.ttf'
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Registered 'Agency FB Bold' from 'C:\WINDOWS\FONTS\AGENCYB.TTF'
[snip snip]
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Registered 'Wingdings' from 'C:\WINDOWS\FONTS\wingding.ttf'
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Registered 'Gill Sans Std' from 'C:\Users\someone\AppData\Local\cewe2pdf\gillsansstd.ttf'
WARNING:cewe2pdf.config:Using configured font family 'FranklinGothic': 'FranklinGothic','FranklinGothic Medium','Franklin Gothic Book Italic','FranklinGothic Medium Italic'
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Registered fontfamily 'Aldrich': {'normal': 'Aldrich'}
[snip snip]
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Registered fontfamily 'TiogaScript': {'normal': 'TiogaScript Light', 'bold': 'TiogaScript Medium'}
WARNING:cewe2pdf.config:Font family 'Typewriter' has no normal font, chosen Typewriter Medium from bold
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Registered fontfamily 'Typewriter': {'normal': 'Typewriter Medium', 'bold': 'Typewriter Medium', 'boldItalic': 'Typewriter Medium Italic'}
[snip snip]
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Registered fontfamily 'Gill Sans Std': {'normal': 'Gill Sans Std'}
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Font Crafty Girls uses non-standard line scale 1.43
INFO:root:Ended font registration
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Could not locate and load the clipart definition file: cliparts_default.xml
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Trying a search for cliparts instead
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:clipart xml path: C:\Program Files\Elkjop fotoservice_6.3\elkjop fotoservice\Resources\photofun\decorations
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:573 clipart xmls found
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:local clipart xml path: C:\Users\someone\AppData\Local/CEWE/hps/5026\photofun\decorations
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:19 local clipart xmls found
INFO:root:parsing page 0  of 28
INFO:root:parsing page 1  of 28
[snip snip]
INFO:root:parsing page 5  of 28
WARNING:root:A set of paragraphs would not fit inside its frame. Frame height is increased to prevent loss of text.
WARNING:root: Try widening the text box just slightly to avoid an unexpected word wrap, or increasing the height yourself
WARNING:root: Most recent paragraph text: <para autoLeading="max"><font name="Stafford" size=16 color=#000000>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</font></para>
INFO:root:parsing page 6  of 28
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Regenerating passepartout index from .XML files.
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Refreshing decoration designElementId index.
INFO:cewe2pdf.config:Found 3599 XML files.
ERROR:root:Error: Start tag expected, '<' not found, line 1, column 1 (smile_model.xml, line 1)
ERROR:root:Error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: icon line 248 and icons, line 987, column 9 (icons-liste.xml, line 987)
INFO:root:parsing page 7  of 28
[snip snip]
INFO:root:parsing page 26  of 28
INFO:root:parsing page 0  of 28
INFO:root:GC collected objects : 285
Total message counts, including messages suppressed by logger configuration
cewe2pdf.config: WARNING[32], INFO[669]
root:            ERROR[2], WARNING[36], INFO[711]
(base) D:\Users\someone\Source\GitHub\cewe2pdf\tests>
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