The iZettle SDK makes it possible to accept card payments with an iZettle card reader from any iOS app. When triggered, it will display a screen over the host application where all interaction takes place. It is designed to be easy to implement and use.
- Take card payments with an iZettle card reader.
- Refund card payments.
- Receive information about a payment.
- Login/logout of iZettle accounts and simple switching between multiple accounts.
- Settings screen where the user can handle card readers and access help and support.
- The SDK will only work on markets where iZettle is operating, please visit for more information.
- It does not currently support other payment methods than cards.
- Xcode 11+
flag is required if your project doesn't include swift- iOS 10+
- iZettle Reader 2 support requires iOS 10+
- Client ID from the iZettle Developer Portal
You can install iZettle SDK in several ways:
CocoaPods is an easy way to install iZettleSDK.
- Add following pod to your
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'Your App' do
pod 'iZettleSDK'
- Drag the binary frameworks from the
folder into your Xcode project:
To be able to use iZettle SDK you are required to setup several things first
⚠️ An exception will be thrown if these are not selected
Add/modify the property Supported external accessory protocols
and add com.izettle.cardreader-one
This is what it should look like in the "source code" view of your Info.plist
The iZettle bluetooth card readers are part of the Apple MFi program. In order to release apps supporting accessories that are part of the MFi Program, you have to apply at Apple. Please contact us at [email protected] and we will help you with this process.
To enable support for external accessory communication in Xcode 11 select the following background modes. These options can be found under Signing & Capabilities
in your target.
External accessory communication
Uses Bluetooth LE accessory
Enable support for external accessory communication from the Background modes section of the Capabilities tab in your Xcode project.
Edit your Info.plist file to have the following information set:
<string>Our app uses bluetooth to find, connect and transfer data with iZettle card reader devices.</string>
<string>Our app uses bluetooth to find, connect and transfer data with iZettle card reader devices.</string>
Note that the texts for the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription
and NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription
keys will be displayed when iOS asks the user for permissions to allow your app access to bluetooth capabilities. You may want to update the texts to your requirements.
iZettle will prompt the user for permission during the first payment if the merchant haven't already granted your app this permission. iZettle will execute CLLocationManagers method
Add the key in your Info.plist
<string>You need to allow this to be able to accept card payments</string>
iZettle won't accept payments without these texts implemented.
Make sure to include the iZettle SDK framework:
Objective C:
@import iZettleSDK;
import iZettleSDK
Before you execute any operation with the iZettle SDK, you have to initialize it with an object conforming to the iZettleSDKAuthorizationProvider
protocol. This protocol defines set of methods that can authorize iZettle users inside your application. The iZettle SDK provides an iZettleSDKAuthorization
object that implements this protocol out of the box.
User authorization in the SDK is perfomed through the implementation of OAuth 2.0. This means that the iZettle SDK requires Client ID and a callback url from your integrating application.
To obtain Client ID, create an account in the iZettle Developer Portal and create an iOS SDK developer application. Once you complete that process, you'll be given a Client ID which can be used to initialize the SDK.
let authenticationProvider = try iZettleSDKAuthorization(
clientID: "xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx",
callbackURL: URL(string: "app-scheme://url"))
iZettleSDK.shared().start(with: authenticationProvider)
If you support iOS 10 and iOS 11, you'll need to override AppDelegate application:openURL:options:
func application(
_ app: UIApplication,
open url: URL,
options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
return iZettleSDK.shared().applicationDidOpen(with: url)
The iZettleSDK.shared().applicationDidOpen(with: url)
call will check if the url
is a valid callback URL, handle it and return true
. If the url
is not the callback URL or is invalid the method will return false
[iZettleSDK shared]
(in Objective C) or iZettleSDK.shared()
(in Swift) when calling the methods below.
Asynchronous operations have a completion block as an argument, the completion block is called when an operation is considered complete, cancelled or failed. See iZettleOperationCompletion for more information.
iZettle SDK will handle presentation and dismissal of its views. Operations with UI will accept a UIViewController as an argument from which iZettle SDK will be presented.
If the user isn't yet authenticated with iZettle when an operation is presented, a login screen will automatically be displayed.
Perform a payment with an amount and a reference:
- (void)chargeAmount:(NSDecimalNumber *)amount
reference:(NSString *)reference
presentFromViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
open func charge(amount: NSDecimalNumber,
currency: String?,
enableTipping: Bool,
reference: String?,
presentFrom viewController: UIViewController,
completion: @escaping iZettleSDK.iZettleSDKOperationCompletion)
: The amount to be charged in the logged in users currency.enableTipping
: Perform payment with tipping flowcurrency
(optional): Only used for validation. If the value of this parameter doesn't match the users currency the user will be notified and then logged out. For a complete list of valid currency codes, see ISO 4217reference
(optional): The payment reference. Used to identify an iZettle payment, used when retrieving payment information at a later time or performing a refund. Max length 128.
Passing enableTipping
to the charge(amount:)
call does not guarantee that tipping flow will be displayed. This is because tipping is not supported by all accounts and all card readers. Tipping is only supported with the iZettle Card Reader. The function is introduced market by market. If card reader software doesn’t support tipping, users will be prompted to either skip tipping or update card reader software.
Total tip amount is presented in iZettleSDKOperationCompletion
completion with gratuityAmount
More documentation on the tipping flow can be found here
Refund an amount from a payment with a given reference.
- (void)refundAmount:(nullable NSDecimalNumber *)amount
ofPaymentWithReference:(NSString *)reference
refundReference:(nullable NSString *)refundReference
presentFromViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
open func refund(amount: NSDecimalNumber?,
ofPayment reference: String,
withRefundReference refundReference: String?,
presentFrom viewController: UIViewController,
completion: @escaping iZettleSDK.iZettleSDKOperationCompletion)
(optional): The amount to be refunded from the payment (passingnil
will refund full amount of original payment)reference
: The reference of the payment that is to be refunded.refundReference
(optional): The reference of the refund. Max length 128.
Note: Demo accounts (accounts that automatically revert performed payments) cannot be used to perform refunds. To test refund functionality please use a standard production iZettle account.
Query iZettle for payment information of a payment with a given reference.
- (void)retrievePaymentInfoForReference:(NSString *)reference
open func retrievePaymentInfo(for reference: String,
presentFrom viewController: UIViewController,
completion: @escaping iZettleSDK.iZettleSDKOperationCompletion)
Present iZettle settings view. The user can switch account, access the iZettle FAQ, view card reader settings etc.
- (void)presentSettingsFromViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController;
open func presentSettings(from viewController: UIViewController)
Attempt aborting the ongoing operation. Only use this if absolutely necessary. The state of the payment will be unknown to the user after this call.
- (void)abortOperation;
open func abortOperation()
You can restrict the usage of the SDK to a certain iZettle account by defining it through the iZettleSDKAuthorization
object during the SDK initialization.
var enforcedAccount = { "[email protected]" }
let authenticationProvider = try iZettleSDKAuthorization(
clientID: "xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx",
callbackURL: URL(string: "app-scheme://url")!,
enforcedAccount: enforcedAccount)
iZettleSDK.shared().start(with: authenticationProvider)
Enforced account will be evaluated for each authenticated operation performed in the SDK.
Logout current account
- (void)logout;
open func logout()
Object that contains information about a payment and the card used.
- Total transaction amount (also includes tip amount if applicable)gratuityAmount
- Contains total tip amount if tipping is performedreferenceNumber
- iZettles reference to the payment (not to be confused with the reference provided by you during a charge or refund operation)entryMode
- EMV, CONTACTLESS_EMV, MAGSTRIPE_CONTACTLESS, MAGSTRIPE etc. More entry modes might be added independent of SDK versionobfuscatedPan
- e.g. "**** **** **** 1111"panHash
- a hash of the pancardBrand
* These fields are only available for some entry modes. Don't rely on them being present.
entryMode = EMV
obfuscatedPan = "**** **** **** 0640"
panHash = 0092C7D95900033B84CE08B43F7E973485FB7081
cardBrand = MASTERCARD
authorizationCode = 007602
AID = A0000000041010
TSI = 4000
TVR = 8000000000
applicationName = MasterCard
obfuscatedPan = "**** **** **** 0640"
panHash = 0092C7D95900033B84CE08B43F7E973485FB7081
cardBrand = MASTERCARD
authorizationCode = 007602
AID = A0000000041010
TVR = 8000000000
applicationName = MasterCard
entryMode = MAGSTRIPE
obfuscatedPan = "**** **** **** 2481"
panHash = 99426D012C6740D9AEC8E26580E8640A196E3C27
cardBrand = MASTERCARD
authorizationCode = 004601
iZettle will display any errors that occur during an operation to the user, the NSError-object returned in the operation completion block is only intended to be used by developers for debugging, diagnostics and logging to be able to better communicate errors to iZettle. You should never present the returned errors to the end user.