Bootzilla is a suite of CSS components and JS components and utilities for developing apps in B2G.
You should not modify your local copy of bootzilla, if you have some extra requirments or need and new component just make a pull request, or contact directly with the owners/collaborators.
/bitmap => Bitmap images used in the UI, mainly icons
root.css => All base styles that we need to normalize the starting point for cross-browser development.
fonts.css => All the font families used in B2G
app.css => Common set-up for creating app layouts
package.css => Includes: All the CSS files in the same folder
buttons.css => All the button types and structures related that the system provides
icons.css => Icons provided by the system, could be bitmaps, fonts, or svg
layout.css => Low and medium level components for setting up responsive strcutures
forms.css => Low and medium structures for creating forms
lists.css => High level strcutures for crafting lists
navigations.css => High level strcutures for navigation use cases
package.css => Includes: All the CSS files in the same folder
package.css => Includes: All the CSS files in bootzilla
responsive.js => Allows to scale the UI smotthly as per the device dpi
infinite-scroll.js => Component for creating typical autoload items list
templates.js => Simple templating mechanism
xml-events.js => Declarative event handler registration
multicard.js => In-page transitions
appstates.js => Dealing with application states and CSS
logger.js => Dealing with logs in a clean manner
builder.js => Construct XML cleanly by implementing the builder pattern
/examples => Here you will find an index with all the availables examples