Because sometimes a single Python is just not fast enough.
You have some code that looks like this:
for item in long_list_of_stuff:
intermediate = prepare(item)
result = dostuff(intermediate[1], intermediate.thing)
And the problem is, both prepare
and dostuff
take too long, and
is just too damn long. Running the above script
takes ages.
What can you do? You could use IPyParallel! Or Dask.distributed! Or multiprocessing!
Well, but IPyParallel has kind of a weird API, and Dask.distributed is hard to set up, and multiprocessing is kind of limited... I've been there, I've done that, and was not satisfied.
Furthermore, none of the above can handle seriously buggy programs that throw segfaults, corrupt your file system, leak memory, and exhaust your process limits. All of this has happened to me when I tried to run scientific code.
So why is RunForrest better?
- Understandable. Just short of 200 lines of source code is manageable.
- No complicated dependencies. A recent version of Python with
is all you need. - Simple. The above call graph will now look like this:
- Robust. Runforrest survives errors, crashes, and even reboots, without losing data.
from runforrest import TaskList, defer
tasklist = TaskList('tasklist')
for item in long_list_of_stuff:
task = defer(prepare, item)
task = defer(dostuff, task[1], task.thing)
for task in
result = task.returnvalue # or task.errorvalue
Wrap your function calls in defer
, schedule
them to a TaskList
then run
. That's all there is to it. Deferred functions return
objects that can be indexed and getattr'd as much as you'd like and
all of that will be resolved once they are run
(a single return
object will never execute more than one time).
But the best thing is, each schedule
will just create a file in a
new directory tasklist/todo
. Then run
will execute those files,
and put them in tasklist/done
or tasklist/fail
depending on
whether there were errors or not.
This solves so many problems. Maybe you want to try to re-run a failed
item? Just copy them back over to tasklist/todo
, and run
again. Or
python --do_raise infile outfile
them manually, and
observe the error first hand!
Yes, it's simple. Stupid simple even, you might say. But it is debuggable. It doesn't start a web server. It doesn't set up fancy kernels and messaging systems. It doesn't fork three ways and choke on its own memory consumption. It's just one simple script.
Then again, maybe this won't run so well on more than a couple of computers, and it probably still contains bugs and stuff.
Finally, writing this is not my main job, and I won't be able to answer and fix every pull request at enterprise speed. Please be civil if I can't respond quickly.
When creating a TaskList
, it is assumed that you create a new, empty
list, and will keep that list around after you are done. By default,
therefore throws an error if the chosen directory already
exists (exist_ok=False
) and will keep all items after you are done
# new, empty, unique list:
>>> tasklist = TaskList('new_directory')
If you are experimenting, and will create and re-create a TaskList
over and over, set exist_ok=True
. This will automatically delete any
tasks in the directory when you instantiate your TaskList
>>> # new, empty, pre-existing list:
>>> tasklist = TaskList('existing_directory', exist_ok=True)
If you want to add to a pre-existing TaskList
, set
>>> # existing list:
>>> tasklist = TaskList('existing_directory', exist_ok=True, pre_clean=False)
If your computer crashed, and you want to continue where you last ran,
set noschedule_if_exist=True
. This way, all your schedule
s will be
skipped, and the existing TaskList
will run
all remaining TODO
tasklist = TaskList('tasklist', noschedule_if_exist=True)
for item in long_list_of_stuff:
task = defer(prepare, item)
task = defer(dostuff, task[1], task.thing)
tasklist.schedule(task) # will not schedule!
for task in # will run remaining TODOs
result = task.returnvalue # or task.errorvalue
If your tasks are noisy, and litter your terminal with status messages,
you can supply the TaskList
with a logfile
. If given, all output,
and some diagnostic information, will be saved to the logfile instead of
the terminal.
Now you are ready to add tasks. A task is any deferred return value from a function or method call, or plain data:
>>> task = defer(numpy.zeros, 5)
>>> task = defer(dict, alpha='a', beta='b')
>>> task = defer(lambda x: x, 42)
>>> task = defer(42) # behaves like the previous line
Tasks can also be used as arguments to deferred function calls:
>>> task1 = defer(dict, value=42)
>>> task2 = dever(lambda x: x['value'], task1)
You can test-run your tasks using evaluate
>>> evaluate(task1)
{'value': 42}
>>> evaluate(task2)
Tasks can also access attributes or indexes of arguments of tasks. Each task attribute or task index is itself a task, that can be indexed or attributed further:
>>> task1 = defer(dict, value=42)
>>> task2 = defer(lambda x: x, task1['value'])
>>> evaluate(task2)
>>> task1 = defer({'value': 42})
>>> task2 = task1['value'] # also returns a Task!
>>> evaluate(task2)
>>> task1 = defer(list, [23, 42])
>>> task2 = defer(lambda x: x, task1[1]) # or task2 = task1[1]
>>> evaluate(task2)
>>> task1 = defer(Exception, 'an error message')
>>> task2 = defer(lambda x: x, task1.args) # or task2 = task1.args
>>> evaluate(task2)
('an error message',)
>>> task2 = defer(lambda x: x, task1.args[0]) # or task2 = task1.args[0]
'an error message'
This way, you can build arbitrary, deep trees of functions and methods that process your data.
When you finally have a task that evaluates to
the result you want, you can schedule it on a TaskList
>>> tasklist.schedule(task2)
If you want, you can attach some metadata that you can retrieve later. This can be very useful if you are running many many tasks, and want to sort and organize them later:
>>> tasklist.schedule(task2, metadata={'date':})
Once you have scheduled all the tasks you want, you can run them:
>>> for task in
>>> do_something_with(task)
This will run each of your tasks in its own process, with ten
processes active at any time. In its default, this will yield every
finished task, with either the return value in task.returnvalue
, or
the error in task.errorvalue
if there was an error, and the
aforementioned metadata in task.metadata
. Additionally, the task
run time is saved in task.runtime
If you want to get more feedback for failing tasks, you can run them
with print_errors=True
, which will print the full stack trace of
every error the moment it occurs.
Sometimes, dill
won't catch some local functions or globals, and
your tasks will fail. In that case, set save_session=True
and try
Sometimes, tasks are unreliable, and need to be stopped before they
bring your computer to a halt. You can tell RunForrest to kill tasks if
they take longer than a set amount of seconds, by adding the autokill
>>> for task in # kill after five minutes
>>> ...
Note that autokill
the whole process group, and will
not give the processes a chance to react or clean up after themselves.
This is the only way to reliably kill stuck processes, and all their
threads and child-processes they might have spawned.
At any time, you can inspect all currently-scheduled tasks with
>>> for task in tasklist.todo_tasks():
>>> do_something_with(task)
or, accordingly for done and failed tasks:
>>> for task in tasklist.done_tasks():
>>> do_something_with(task)
>>> for task in tasklist.fail_tasks():
>>> do_something_with(task)
These three task lists correspond to *.pkl
files in the
, {tasklist}/done
, and {tasklist}/fail
respectively. For example, you can manually re-schedule failed tasks
by moving them from the {tasklist}/fail
to {tasklist}/todo
If you want to get rid of tasks, you can use
>>> tasklist.clean()
You can decide manually if you want to remove only selected tasks with
, clean_done=True
, and clean_fail=True
If one of your tasks is failing, and you can't figure out why, it is
useful to manually run just a single task. For this, you can use
as an executable library:
$ python -m runforrest path/to/task.pkl path/to/result.pkl -r
where -r
raises any error; Alternatively, -p
would print them just
like run
does with print_errors=True
. If needed, you can load a
session file with -s path/to/session.pkl
Code that calls Numpy crashes in
: By default, Numpy creates a large number of threads. If you run many Numpies in parallel, this can exhaust your thread limit. You can either raise your thread limit (resources.setrlimit(resources.RLIMIT_NPROC, ...)
) or force Numpy to use only one thread per process (os.putenv('OMP_NUM_THREADS', '1')
). -
Tasks fail because
"name '<module>' is not defined"
: Sometimes, serialization can fail ifrun
is called from aif __name__ == "__main__"
block. Setsave_session=True
in run to fix this problem (for a small performance overhead).