Simple library to generate color harmonies (monochromatic, complementary, analogous, triadic, split complementary and tetradic) from a RGB color input.
Code running with Python 3.x
pip install colorharmonies
We recommend to create a virtual environment:
with virtualenv
cd colorharmonies
virtualenv vEnv --no-site-packages -p python3
source vEnv/bin/activate
pip install colorharmonies
with Python's venv (better for Mac OSX)
cd colorharmonies
python3 -m venv vEnv
source vEnv/bin/activate
pip install colorharmonies
Color is an object with 3 attributes RGB, HLS, HSV:
- RGB : [int(0 to 255), int(0 to 255), int(0 to 255)]
- HLS : [int(0 to 360), int(0 to 100), int(0 to 100)]
- HSV : [int(0 to 360), int(0 to 100), int(0 to 100)]
Each attribute represents one color space.
from colorharmonies import Color, complementaryColor, triadicColor, splitComplementaryColor, tetradicColor, analogousColor, monochromaticColor
Create a color object and assign it a value to its RGB attributes
Cyan = Color([0, 255, 255],"","")
complentaryColor returns the complementary color of a Color object. Return the color in RGB format
# return [255, 0, 0]
triadicColor returns the two triadic colors of a Color object. Return a list of the two colors in RGB format
# return [[255, 0, 255], [255, 255, 0]]
splitComplementaryColor returns the two split complementary colors of a Color object. Return a list of the two colors in RGB format
#return [[255, 0, 128], [255, 128, 0]]
tetradicColor returns the three tetradic colors of a Color object. Return a list of the three colors in RGB format
# return [[0, 0, 255], [255, 0, 0], [255, 255, 0]]
analogousColor returns the two analogous colors of a Color object. Return a list of the two colors in RGB format
# return [[0, 127, 255], [0, 255, 128]]
monochromaticColor returns a list of monochromatic colors of a Color object. Return a list of colors in RGB format
# return [[0, 255, 255], [0, 242, 242], [0, 230, 230], [13, 255, 255], [12, 242, 242], [11, 230, 230], [25, 255, 255], [24, 242, 242], [23, 230, 230]]