Think an application where you can post secondhand items for sale and race with people for bids.
A SecondHand Project written in Nextjs
Check Demo : Here
A SecondHand Project , A platform where users can easily sell second-hand products to each other. They can make offers to get great products cheap.
- Register and login accounts. (validations)
- Search the system for categorized items.
- Add products.
- Bid products.
- Cancel bid.
- Buy products.
- Track product status.
- Track your offers (bids).
Note : if you aren't logged in , offer - buy buttons not gonna show up on details page.
- Next.js
- Formik - Yup
- React-file-drop for image handling
- js-cookie for handle easily cookies
- Sharp Image optimizer (Next.js suggestion)
- Jest
- react-testing-library
For development :
// Firstly install dependecies
npm install
//After we can run project , run dev gonna start on dev mode
npm run dev
For production:
npm run build
//After we can run project , gonna start on production mode
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
`/src/` ->
`@assets` -> images and imported files.
`@components` -> a collection of UI components like buttons, modals, inputs, loader, etc.
`@contexts` -> React contexts
`@hooks` -> React Custom Hooks
`@pages` -> route of the application
`@services` -> shared services for SSR requests
`@styles` -> modules styles and global.css
- Images not displaying correctly on mid range resolutions