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━━━━━━ ❖ ━━━━━━

bin for scripts, cfg for configs, etc for other stuff


━━━━━━ ❖ ━━━━━━

❖ Installation

First, clone the repo.

 $ git clone --depth=1

Then, update the submodules.

 $ cd dotfiles-bspwm

Finally, run the setup script.

 $ ./

❖ Keybinds

Keybind Description
super + Return # terminal alacritty
super + shift + Return # terminal kitty
super + e # Shortcuts
super + w # firefox
super + n # thunar
super + d # dmenu_run
super + a # neovide
super + b # bpytop
super + r # ranger
super + space # program launcher
alt + Return # mini google
alt + e # rofimoji
alt + semicolon # scratchpad
alt + m # man search
alt + r # random manpage
alt + v # clipmenu
alt + h # keybindhelper
alt + p # config rofi menu ; open in nvim
super + period # show open window
super + shift + d # show ssh sesssions
super + p # power-menu
super + Escape # make sxhkd reload its configuration files:
super + {t,shift + t,s,f} # set the window state
super + alt + {q,r} # quit/restart bspwm
super + {_,shift + }q # close and kill
super + m # alternate between the tiled and monocle layout
super + y # send the newest marked node to the newest preselected node
super + g # swap the current node and the biggest window
super + ctrl + {m,x,y,z} # set the node flags
super + {_,shift + }{h,j,k,l} # focus the node in the given direction
super + {_,shift + }c # focus the next/previous window in the current desktop
super + bracket{left,right} # focus the next/previous desktop in the current monitor
super + {grave,Tab} # focus the last node/desktop
super + {o,i} # focus the older or newer node in the focus history
super + {_,shift + }{1-8,0} # focus or send to the given desktop
super + ctrl + {h,j,k,l} # preselect the direction
super + ctrl + {1-9} # preselect the ratio
super + ctrl + space # cancel the preselection for the focused node
super + ctrl + shift + space # cancel the preselection for the focused desktop
super + alt + {h,j,k,l} # expand a window by moving one of its side outward
super + alt + shift + {h,j,k,l} # contract a window by moving one of its side inward
super + {Left,Down,Up,Right} # move a floating window
super+Print # Screenshots but better

to generate this use script below
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Markdown sxhkd configuration for cheatsheet/documents.


echo -e "|$MD_NAME\t # $MD_VALUE |";
echo -e "|--- | --- |";
awk '/^[a-z]/ && last {print "|" $0,"\t",last,"|"} {last=""} /^#/{last=$0}' "$SXHKD_CONF"
) | sed -e 's/# /| /' -e 's/^|/| /' | column -t -s $'\t'

script provided by @MahdyMirzade

❖ Dependencies

This are all optional but you can install if you want to replicate my desktop or something.

  • bspwm, sxhkd and bsp-layout
  • rofi
  • rofimoji
  • polybar
  • neovim-nightly
  • alacritty
  • dunst
  • picom-ibhagwan-git
  • light
  • clipmenud
  • maim, jq, xclip and viewnior

❖ Notes

  • Install NeoVim plugins
  • i dont remember where i got this gtk theme

❖ System Info


configs and scripts shared from and

fork of and [i dont remember why i named it so....]


my bspwm rice dotfiles with simple scripts







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  • Shell 42.8%
  • Roff 25.6%
  • Vim Script 19.7%
  • Python 9.6%
  • PHP 2.0%
  • Lua 0.3%