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Skydoc - Skylark Documentation Generator

Skydoc is a documentation generator for Bazel build rules written in Skylark.

Skydoc provides a set of Skylark rules (skylark_library and skylark_doc) that can be used to build documentation for Skylark rules in either Markdown or HTML. Skydoc generates one documentation page per .bzl file.

A screenshot of Skydoc generated HTML documentation


To use Skydoc, add the following to your WORKSPACE file:

    name = "io_bazel_rules_sass",
    remote = "",
    tag = "0.0.1",
load("@io_bazel_rules_sass//sass:sass.bzl", "sass_repositories")

    name = "io_bazel_skydoc",
    remote = "",
    tag = "0.0.3",
load("@io_bazel_skydoc//skylark:skylark.bzl", "skydoc_repositories")

Note that the Sass repositories also need to be loaded since Skydoc uses the Bazel Sass rules.

If you would like to load all Skydoc rules by default using Bazel's prelude, add the following to the file tools/build_rules/prelude_bazel in your repository:


Documentation Format

Since Skylark is a subset of Python, it uses Python docstrings for inline documentation for Skylark rules and macros as well as file (module) docstrings for documenting .bzl files. Skydoc supports Markdown for all inline documentation.

When generating documentation, Skydoc parses the .bzl file to extract the inline documentation as well as evaluates the Skylark code to determine the types for rule attributes. Skydoc will generate documentation for all public rules and macros. For undocumented rules and macros, Skydoc will still generate the rule signature and table of attributes.

Private rules and macros (i.e. those whose names begin with _) will not appear in generated documentation.

Rule Documentation

Skylark Rules are declared using the rule() function as global variables. As a result, they are documented using variable docstrings, similar to those supported by epydoc.

Attributes are documented in a special Args: section. Begin the documentation for each attribute on an indented line with the attribute name followed by a colon :. The documentation for an attribute can span multiple lines as long as each line is indented from the first line:

checkstyle = rule(
    implementation = _impl,
    attrs = {
        "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = FileType([".java"]),
        "config": attr.label(),
"""Runs checkstyle on the given source files.

This rule runs [Checkstyle]( on a set of
Java source files.

  srcs: The Java source files to run checkstyle against.
  config: The checkstyle configuration file to use.

    If no configuration file is provided, then the default `checkstyle.xml` will
    be used.

The name attribute that is common to all rules is documented by default, but the default documentation can be overwridden by adding documentation for name in Args.

Macro Documentation

Skylark Macros are Python functions and are thus documented using function docstrings:

def rat_check(name, srcs=[], format, visibility):
  """Runs Apache Rat license checks on the given source files.

  This rule runs [Apache Rat]( license checks on
  a given set of source files. Use `bazel build` to run the check.

    name: A unique name for this rule.
    srcs: Source files to run the Rat license checks against.

      Note that the Bazel glob() function can be used to specify which source
      files to include and which to exclude.
    format: The format to write the Rat check report in.
    visibility: The visibility of this rule.
  if format not in ['text', 'html', 'xml']:
    fail('Invalid format: %s' % format, 'format')

      name = name,
      srcs = srcs,
      format = format,
      visibility = visibility,

Note that the format of the docstrings for rules and macros are identical.

File Documentation

Skydoc also supports file docstrings (similar to Python's module docstrings), which can be used to document a .bzl file, such as providing an overview of the rules and macros implemented in the file:

"""Checkstyle Rules

Skylark rules for running [Checkstyle]( on
Java source files.

If a file docstring is provided, the short docstring will be used as the title on the generated documentation file, and the rest of the docstring (separated from the title with an empty line) will be used to generate an Overview section on the page.


The following are some examples of how to use Skydoc.

Single Target

Suppose you have a project containing Skylark rules you want to document:


To generate documentation for the rules and macros in checkstyle.bzl, add the following target to rules/BUILD:

load("@io_bazel_skydoc//skylark:skylark.bzl", "skylark_doc")

    name = "checkstyle-docs",
    srcs = ["checkstyle.bzl"],

Running bazel build //checkstyle:checkstyle-docs will generate a zip file containing documentation for the public rules and macros in checkstyle.bzl.

By default, Skydoc will generate documentation in Markdown. To generate a set of HTML pages that is ready to be served, set format = "html".

Multiple Targets

If you would like to generate documentation for multiple .bzl files in various packages in your workspace, you can use the skylark_library rule to create logical collections of Skylark sources and add a single skylark_doc target for building documentation for all of the rule sets.

Suppose your project has the following structure:


In this case, you can have skylark_library targets in checkstyle/BUILD and lua/BUILD:


load("@io_bazel_skydoc//skylark:skylark.bzl", "skylark_library")

    name = "checkstyle-rules",
    srcs = ["checkstyle.bzl"],


load("@io_bazel_skydoc//skylark:skylark.bzl", "skylark_library")

    name = "lua-rules",
    srcs = [

To build documentation for all the above .bzl files at once:


load("@io_bazel_skydoc//skylark:skylark.bzl", "skylark_doc")

    name = "docs",
    deps = [

Running bazel build //:docs would build a single zip containing documentation for all the .bzl files contained in the two skylark_library targets.


  • Support syntax for providing examples for rule and macro documentation.
  • Document default values for rule and macro attributes.