Tags: bbbbpage/blendid
Fixed process.cwd() changes and reverted previous fixes Changing from `--gulpfile node_modules/blendid/gulpfile.js` to `--gulpfile node_modules/blendid/gulpfile.js/index.js` had the unintended consequence of making the `process.cwd()` not the same being one directory lower than before. As such, a workaround fix was performed in 19e4825 & 538c85c to make blendid assets now relative one level lower also. This was not a proper fix and instead, the `bin/blendid` script has been updated to use one level lower by pointing to the previous directory directly instead of pointing to the main file of the directory. Previous modifications of previous workaround were reverted. As part of testing, fixed a bunch of small globbing problem with Gulp like .gitkeep files not copied or some other files not ignored correctly.