DONE remove config options from job config screen
DONE enable "auto rebuilding"
change icon
DONE create pipeline DSL to use with plugin
create the other side of promote, a global promote object
- should contain things like the commit hash to build
- the last promoted hash or build number
- the last promoted version number
- maybe version number should be a real object with properties like major, minor, patch etc
can we get changelogs?
Project for building PromoteRebuilder jenkins plugin.
Plugin provides variables global mobileCiSupport and stagePromotion.
Checkout project
Run 'mvn clean verify' to run all the tests.
After that you should be able to run tests from IDE such as IntelliJ as well.
To create a new build artifact update pom.xml with version name, then run hpi:create.
Output will be {project}/target/promoterebuild.hpi
Probably makes sense to try and keep plugin dependencies up to date with the jenkins environment that plugin will be installed on. Tests don't mean much unless they are reflective of where the plugin will actually run.
// TODO what jenkins stuff should match what dependancies in pom.xml.