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'Engine' for handling concurrency and other 'low-level' tasks

See ROS Humble documentation for details on how to use ros2.


This engine uses external dependencies that are located in the extern directory.

To directly clone the repository with these submodules add the --recursive flag to your git clone command.

To clone the submodules after cloning the engine, run git submodule update --init --recursive

Style Guide

Python code should follow snake case, with proper public/private seperation in class development. Public/private in Python is done with an underscore at the front of an attribute. For example,

self._example: str = "example" is private

self.example: str = "example" is public

All Python code should also be type hinted. Type hints allow static checkers to analyze the codebase for any errors before runtime. This is done during the make ci command. Integrating MyPy would enhance the static type checking further, but it is not done yet. Could be an item for someone to work on. (See the other workflow files in the .github folder)

Using the Makefile

make help Displays all possible commands for utilizing the Makefile.

The most used commands for typical work will be

make or make all builds all ros packages

make clean removes build directories

make ci Will run the continous integration and let you know if there are any linting errors. These errors should be fixed before a pull request is opened to main, but are usually ok for the testing and development phase.

make test_engine runs the ROS tests for sgengine packages which are known to fail, for now

make check runs ci & test_engine scripts

Typical Development Workflow

  1. Create a new branch
  2. Switch to using the new branch as the active one
  3. Create a subfolder with an init file
  4. Develop a class to add the given functionality OR a set of functions for the funcationality
  5. Create a test file which uses fake input to test the code
  6. Add the functionality to an existing node OR create a new node
  7. Open a pull request :)

Resposibility of Modules (eventually)

  1. configuration: Reads some config file and either generates a dictionary or uses ROS param services. TBD
  2. gui: Launches a basic web app for starting and stopping the robots autonomous functions, as well as allowing remote control. If progress makes it far enough this will also allow "on-the-fly" adjustments of the Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins.
  3. hardware: This will contain code for handling all physical elements we will interact with. This includes RPi.GPIO, OAK-D cameras, RPi Picos, etc..
  4. map: This will handle aggregating data into a 2D map for pathfinding and/or planning to operate on.
  5. object_detection: The most open ended module, find objects from sensor data! Possible pathways include computer vision, machine learning, inferring on 3D maps, etc...
  6. odometry: This computes the robots current position in space.
  7. pathfinding: This module revolves around pathfinding algorithms. Classic examples are A* and Breadth-First-Search. These will all operate on some 2D plane.
  8. planning: This module contains tools for deciding how to move a robot given all other information. This could simply be algorithms for adjusting a map form object detections or something much more complex.
  9. utils: These contain generic utilities which are not explicity tied to a single module.

Common Github Commands

git branch {branchname} Creates a new local branch for development

git checkout {branchname} Switches your current branch to the given branch

git add {files} Adds files to git for tracking or adds updates

git commit -m {message} Makes a commit with the given files added with a given message

git push Pushes any local commits to the remote repository (Github) on your working branch

git push --set-upstream origin {branchname} Pushes changes to the given branchname remotely, if the branch was created locally

git reset {--hard} Resets back to the latest pushed changes in the remote repository (Github), DO NOT use if you have uncommited work.

Building and Sourcing Package


source install/setup.bash

Then you can call anything defined in the package.

For example: ros2 run sgengine pico

Launching the code automatically

To enable the launch service:

Make sure that the SpaceGrantEngine repository is located at /home/pi/SpaceGrantEngine

Run systemctl enable /home/pi/SpaceGrantEngine/scripts/engine_launch.service to enable the service on boot.


'Engine' for handling concurrency and other 'low-level' tasks







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  • Python 99.5%
  • Other 0.5%