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This repository was archived by the owner on May 9, 2023. It is now read-only.


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Natural Resources SPAR Back-End API

This repository holds a set of policies, standards, guides, and pipelines to get started with a back-end API. Before writing your first line of code, please take a moment and check out our CONTRIBUTING guide.

Note: This repository was generated from greenfield-template and in case you're interested in the original README file, we still have it here.

Our Policy

  • Work in the open: That means that everything we do should be open, should be public. Please, don't create private repositories unless you have a very strong reason. Keeping things public is a must follow rule for BC Government.
  • Customer centred services: All the work that's been created is to improve users, customers, and friends usability and experience. Is important to keep that in mind because as engineers sometimes we face technical issues, however, our goal is to have a good product.
  • Community based work: Remember that you're not alone. It's very likely that your problem is someone else's problem. Let's figure it out together. So, ask a question using our channels. We have our own Stackoverflow and our Rocket Chat channel.


Here you can find a comprehensive list of all languages and tools that are been used in this service. And also everything you need to get started, build locally, test and deploy it.

  • Java ecosystem
    • Maven
    • Open JDK 17
    • Spring Web MVC Framework
    • JPA and Hibernate Framework
  • Testing
    • JUnit 5
    • Mockito and Mock MVC
    • Automated tests with Postman and Newman
  • Database
    • PostgreSQL
    • Versioning with Flyway
  • DevOps
    • Docker
    • Docker Composer
    • Sonar Cloud
    • Deploy to OpenShift with GitHub Actions
  • Tools (Recommendations)
    • IntelliJ IDEA
    • Postman
    • DBeaver

Getting started

Once you have cloned this repository, can get it running by typing: ./mvnw spring-boot:run from the project root directory. You must provide three environment variables for database access configuration:

Then head to http://localhost:8090/actuator/health to check if the system was successfully launched: the status property should have the value UP.

Before writing your first line of code, and learn more about the checks, including tests, please take a moment and check out our CONTRIBUTING guide.

Quick look

But if all you want is to take a quick look at the running service, you can do it by using Docker Compose.

Run with:

docker-compose up --build

You can clean and remove the containers with

docker-compose down --remove-orphans

But if not, You can build the Docker images:

cd backend && docker build -t bcgov/nr-spar-backend-backend:snapshot . && cd ..
cd database && docker build -t bcgov/nr-spar-backend-database:snapshot . && cd ..

Getting help

As mentioned, we're here to help. Feel free to start a conversation on Rocket chat or ask a question on Stackoverflow.