Collection of extra utilities for Conan.
Generates a configuration in .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
configuration file
for Visual Studio Code with include paths of all
dependencies and other settings based on the Conan profile.
First, add this recipe to your cache by exporting it from this git repo:
conan export .
Then you can add it to your own recipe as following:
from conan import ConanFile
class Gizmo(ConanFile):
name = "gizmo"
version = "1.0"
python_requires = "bramz-conan-tools/1.0.0"
def generate(self):
props = self.python_requires["bramz-conan-tools"].module.VSCodeCCppProperties(self)
To install the extensions globally, use following command:
conan config install
Then you can use the generator in your recipe by name, or on the commandline:
conan install --requires=zlib/1.2.13 -g VSCodeCCppProperties