Robot Based on David L. Heiserman's Rodney from "How to Build Your Own Self-Programming Robot"
In 1979, David L Heiserman published a book called "How to Build Your Own Self-Programming Robot." In it, he describes Rodney, his robot, and how to build your own. I had wanted this book for long time and finally got a copy. Of course, the book is rather dated, but the concepts are still interesting. This project is about updating the design a bit. Since at least one person has already built a "Rodney Jr." I decided to name it Rodney Heiserman III. If you want to build "real" robots, or if you want to understand what this project is all about, I recommend getting a copy of the book. Of course, it is long out of print, but readily available on the used book market or on loan from I bought mine from Abe books for about $6.