./bin/hit-circle-backend --help
- cmake 3.20+
- C++17
- Ninja-build(recommend) / makefile
- sqlite3
- Poco
# clone code
mkdir hit-circle-backend
git clone https://github.com/leebdscoding/HITSQL_Back.git .
cmake -B build -G Ninja
cmake --build build
# compile sqlite3
cd ~
mkdir sqlite
cd sqlite
wget https://www.sqlite.org/2024/sqlite-autoconf-3460000.tar.gz
tar xzvf sqlite-autoconf-3460000.tar.gz
cd sqlite-autoconf-3460000/
make && sudo make install
# compile and install poco
cd ~
git clone -b main https://github.com/pocoproject/poco.git --depth=1
cd poco
mkdir cmake-build
cd cmake-build
cmake .. -G Ninja
cmake --build . --config Release
sudo cmake --build . --target install
- Project/
- include/
- module/
- cmdParser/
- config/
- http/
- log/
- sql/
- CMakeLists.txt
- .gitignore
- CMakeLists.txt
- main.cpp
- TODO.md
The config file is in path/to/bin/config/config.toml
It's a toml file.
I decided to change JSON to TOML for easy-use and easy-parse. You can transform the JSON here one-click.
An example is here:
name = "HIT_Circle"
port = 9000
maxQueue = 100
maxThread = 8
root = "www"
template = "www/templates"
rule = [
handler = "staticHandler"
rule = ["/[\\w]+.css", "/[\\w]+.js"]
handler = "staticHandler"
rule = ["/user/[0-9]+"]
handler = "templateHandler"
rule = ["/text/[0-9]+"]
handler = "xmlHandler"
is required, thename
is the server's name, which decides how the log files are named.port
is optional, the default value is 8080.root
is the website's root direction.template
is the website's template file direction.defMap
are about how the server run. Handlers point to theHTTPRequestHandler()