Companion webpage to the book "Mathematics For Machine Learning"
Rainbow is all you need! A step-by-step tutorial from DQN to Rainbow
Reinforcement Learning Tutorial with Demo: DP (Policy and Value Iteration), Monte Carlo, TD Learning (SARSA, QLearning), Function Approximation, Policy Gradient, DQN, Imitation, Meta Learning, Pape…
PyTorch implementation of "Transparency by Design: Closing the Gap Between Performance and Interpretability in Visual Reasoning"
Streaming over lightweight data transformations
Assignments for Berkeley CS 285: Deep Reinforcement Learning (Fall 2021)
nico1as / gym-jsbsim
Forked from Gor-Ren/gym-jsbsimA reinforcement learning environment for aircraft control using the JSBSim flight dynamics model
Camera Calibration images and notebook example
VO and VIO pipelines for pose estimation with a quad-rotor