Belfast Ruby is a community of aspiring and experienced developers in Belfast, Northern Ireland who are passionate about Ruby and Rails. We hold monthly meetups which are open to everyone.
Visit the website -
This website is open sourced so that the community can get involved in its development and contribute whatever they can. Please refer to the GitHub Issues to view a list of bugs or suggested improvements. Feel free to work on these,then when you've committed the changes, do send a pull request or attach it to the related issue so that we can merge it in.
We're open to ideas about improving the Belfast Ruby website. Here's a couple of ideas we've come up with so far. Add your own work on bringing these ideas to life.
- Enhance Resources Page with More Ruby Links
- Add Section for Speaker Slides/Notes to Event Page
- Incorporate Related Images for Each Meetup
Even if you aren't interested in contributing code, we'd love if you could suggest any ideas for improvements or let us know via GitHub Issue if you run into any bugs.
- Clone this repository.
- Follow the instructions below for information about how to get the website up and running locally.
- Let us know you’re working on something by commenting on an existing GitHub Issue, or creating a new one with details about what you plan to do. This will be the location to discuss the feature and get feedback.
- When working on changes locally, create a new branch for your changes to live.
- When you’re ready to push up your changes, commit your code and attach a pull request to the related GitHub Issue. Later we’ll review your changes before merging in your code.
If you’re new to Git and GitHub, this might sound a bit confusing, but it’s easy once you know how. Refer to this guide for more guidance on how to best work on a GitHub project.
Here's what you need to run the website locally.
This will install all gems required to run the app.
gem install bundler
cd belfastruby-website
bundle install
This site is built on Jekyll. To run the site in your browser locally and watch for any changes made use:
`jekyll s`
Please refer to Jekyll's documentation for help with setting it up
To use sass, Compass is being used. Edit scss within sass folder, do not edit the css files directly. To watch scss files for changes:
`bundle exec compass watch`
Tests are written with RSpec & Capybara, they run in headless chrome. To run all the tests:
`bundle exec rspec`