An ES6 library for interacting with Serato Web Services.
Supports endpoints that use either JWT-based Bearer
authorisation or Basic
Consists of an Sws
configuration class and mutiple service clients. A service client interacts with a specific SWS service.
Service clients are exposed as properties of an Sws
Service client have methods for interacting with the corresponding web service. Service client methods return a Promise.
Basic usage consists of creating an Sws
instance then calling a method on a service client:
import Sws from 'sws-sdk'
// `secret` is optional and only required when interacting with API endpoints that require Basic authentication
let sws = new Sws({ appId: 'myAppId', secret: 'myAppSecret' })
// Provided an access token for the current user (required for endpoints that use `Bearer` authorisation)
sws.accessToken = 'myAccessToken'
// Use the License service client to get the current user's licenses (all service methods return a Promise)
(data) => {
// `data` is a plain object of the API response
(err) => {
// `err` contains request and response details
The Sws
object is used to configure the behavior of the service clients. A configuration object
can be provided to the constructor:
let sws = new Sws({
appId: 'myAppId',
secret: 'myAppSecret', // Only required for SWS endpoints that require `Basic` authentication
timeout: 3000, // Defaults to 3000 (ms)
serviceUri: { // Base URIs for SWS services (defaults to production endpoints)
id: '',
license: 'my.license-service.uri',
ecom: 'my.ecom-service.uri',
profile: 'my.profile-service.uri',
da: 'my.da-service.uri',
notifications: 'my.notifications-service.uri'
The default behavior for all service clients is raise an error for any API call that does
not return a HTTP 2xx response. This can be handled by a client application's Promise reject
But clients allow for the providing of custom callbacks to handle common error scenarios that may occur across all web services.
When a custom callback is provided an error is not raised and instead the Promise is resolved with the result of the custom callback.
This callback is called when an SWS service indicates that an Access token has either expired or is otherwise invalid.
This callback is called when the SWS Identity service indicates that a Refresh token has either expired or is otherwise invalid.
This callback is called when the SWS Identity service indicates that a client application must direct the user back to Identity service to re-enter their password.
This callback is called when an SWS service indicates that a user has insufficient permissions to access the requested resource.
This callback is called when an SWS service returns a HTTP 500 Application Error response.
This callback is called when an SWS service returns a HTTP 503 Service Unavailable response.
Callbacks can be attached to all service clients via methods of the Sws
instance, or to individual service clients:
let sws = new Sws({ appId: 'myAppId' })
let invalidAccessTokenCallback = (err) => {
// `err` is the error response that was returned from the API call
return 'Access token is invalid'
let invalidRefreshTokenCallback = (err) => {
return 'Refresh token is invalid'
let reEnterPasswordCallback = (err) => {
return 'Password must be re-entered'
let accessDeniedCallback = (err) => {
return 'Access is denied'
let serviceErrorCallback = (err) => {
return 'Access is denied'
let serviceUnavailableCallback = (err) => {
return 'Access is denied'
// Attach the callback to all service clients
// Attach the callback to an individual service client
sws.license.invalidAccessTokenHandler = invalidAccessTokenCallback
sws.license.invalidRefreshTokenHandler = invalidRefreshTokenCallback
sws.license.accessDeniedHandler = accessDeniedCallback
sws.license.serviceErrorHandler = serviceErrorCallback
sws.license.serviceUnavailableHandler = serviceUnavailableCallback
The SDK also includes a SwsClient
The class extends Sws
and provides some useful functionality when implementing the SDK in a client side application.
Specifically, it adds a Invalid Access Token handler that:
- Retrieves a new Access Token from the Identity Service and updates the
instance with it. - Provides a Access Token Updated callback that is called whenever a new Access Token is successfully received from the Identity Service.
The Access Token Updated token callback accepts two arguments: the value of the Access token, and a date object representing the expiry time of the access token.
let sws = new SwsClient({ appId: 'myAppId' })
let accessTokenUpdatedCallback = (token, exp) => {
console.log('Access token value is ' + token)
console.log('Access token expires on ' + exp.toISOString())
// Attach the callback
sws.accessTokenUpdatedHandler = accessTokenUpdatedCallback