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Henning Gebhard edited this page Mar 2, 2021 · 4 revisions

Differences in the TEI output

The current TEI export differs in several ways from the output generated by the DHConvalidator (at least as far as I have seen). This page documents some of the more relevant ones.

Mathematical formulae

DHC expects users to embed formulae as images. Since both Fidus Writer and TEI support formulae in TeX syntax, we use that instead e.g.

<formula notation="tex">$E=mc^2$</formula>

We currently (as of 2021-03-02) do not enclose the equation in '$' characters, although we probably should.

Styling of bibliography

DHC styles the bibliography according to the style specification for DH/DHd conferences:

<div type="bibliogr">
            <hi rend="bold">The Author(s): </hi>
            <hi rend="italic">The Title</hi>. The Rest.

Fidus Writer in principle supports a wide range of citation styles. Actively ignoring the citation style chosen by the user seems prone to causing confusion. For the moment the export does not style the bibliographic entries at all, and instead provides a much richer semantic markup using all the tags TEI provides us with, e.g.

  <title>TextGrid, TEXTvre, and DARIAH: Sustainability of Infrastructures for Textual Scholarship</title>
  <date when="2013-06-25">2013-06-25</date>
  <idno type="DOI">10.4000/jtei.774</idno>
  <ref type="url" target=""></ref>
  <idno type="ISSN">2162-5603</idno>
  <title level="j">Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative</title>
  <biblScope unit="issue">Issue 5</biblScope>


An earlier version of the TEI guidelines recommended to use type attribute of list elements to specify whether it is an ordered or unordered list. DHC uses this convention. In the current version the difference is considered a matter of rendition, so it proposes <list rend="bulleted"> and <list rend="numbered"> instead. The follow the TEI guidelines as closely as possible, this is what we do in the TEI export.


Tables in TEI can use the role="label" attribute on complete rows and on individual cells. The latter is used e.g. when the labels are in the first column of the table instead of in the first row. For consistency reasons, and because I did not see any downside to this, the TEI export currently always uses this attribute on cells which are labels, even if they are part of a label row (in which case both the row and all its cells have role="label" set).

The export currently does not support cells spanning multiple rows or columns, even though both Fidus Writer and TEI do.

Code blocks

For the moment, we just wrap every content inside a Fidus Writer code_block element in TEI code tags and be done with it. Note that we currently do not have a way to specify the programming language in use (if applicable), so we can not make use of this TEI feature.