python code to send texts from a Pi ZeroW when my garage door is open after sunset
i attached a reed switch to my Pi Zero W which returns "False" when the door is closed, and "True" when the door is open.
i have 2 crontab entries to run this code
# m h dom mon dow command
13 8 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/python_door_alert/ >> /home/pi/log/sunset.log
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/python_door_alert/ >> /home/pi/log/door.log
( /home/pi/log
directory must be created manually)
uses a web service provided by and is is run once per day to determine when sunset occurs
runs every 5 minutes and logs whether the door is open or closed. if it is after sunset an alert is sent to the address configured in
telling me to close the door.
requires RPi.GPIO package (apt install python3-rpi.gpio)
**( MetaARPA account at SDF with manually configured passphraseless SSH trust necessary for sending email with the same method i use)