A DiscordGo command router with tons of useful features
If you find any bugs or if you have a feature request, please tell me by creating an issue.
Here's a commented example which should help you using this library:
func main() {
// Open a simple Discord session
token := "Your token"
session, err := discordgo.New("Bot " + token)
if err != nil {
err = session.Open()
if err != nil {
// Create a dgc router
// NOTE: The dgc.Create function makes sure all internal and external maps of the struct get initialized, so you should use it in every case!
router := dgc.Create(&dgc.Router{
// We will allow '!', '$' and the bot mention as command prefixes
// NOTE: The first prefix (in our case '!') will be used as the prefix in the default help messages
Prefixes: []string{
"<@!" + session.State.User.ID + ">",
// Whether or not the parser should ignore the case of our prefixes (this would be redundant in our case)
IgnorePrefixCase: false,
// Whether or not bots should be allowed to execute our commands
BotsAllowed: false,
// We can define commands in here, but in this example we will use the provided method (later)
Commands: []*dgc.Command{
// ...
// We can define middlewares in here, but in this example we will use the provided method (later)
Middlewares: map[string][]dgc.Middleware{
// ...
// The ping handler will be executed if the message only contains the bot's mention (no arguments)
PingHandler: func(ctx *dgc.Ctx) {
_, err := ctx.Session.ChannelMessageSend(ctx.Event.ChannelID, "Pong!")
if err != nil {
// Error handling
// Add a simple command
// The general name of the command
Name: "hey",
// The aliases of the command
Aliases: []string{
// A brief description of the commands functionality
Description: "Greets you",
// The correct usage of the command
Usage: "hey",
// An example how to use the command
Example: "hey",
// Commands may have flags. They will be used for middleware selection and can also be used for grouping
Flags: []string{
// Whether or not the parser should ignore the case of our command
IgnoreCase: true,
// A list of sub commands
SubCommands: []*dgc.Command{
Name: "world",
Description: "Greets the world",
Usage: "hey world",
Example: "greet world",
Flags: []string{
IgnoreCase: true,
Handler: func(ctx *dgc.Ctx) {
_, err := ctx.Session.ChannelMessageSend(ctx.Event.ChannelID, "Hello, world.")
if err != nil {
// Error handling
// dgc supports rate limiting. You can define a rate limiter here.
RateLimiter: dgc.NewRateLimiter(5*time.Second, 2*time.Second, func (ctx *Ctx) {
_, err := ctx.Sesion.ChannelMessageSend(ctx.Event.ChannelID, "You are being rate limited!")
if err != nil {
// Error handling
// HINT: You can get the timestamp when the next execution is allowed like this:
nextExecution := ctx.CustomObjects.MustGet("dgc_nextExecution").(time.Time)
// The handler of the command
Handler: func(ctx *dgc.Ctx) {
_, err := ctx.Session.ChannelMessageSend(ctx.Event.ChannelID, "Hello.")
if err != nil {
// Error handling
// Add a simple middleware that injects a custom object into the context
// This middleware will be executed on every command, because we wildcard it using the '*'
// NOTE: You have to return true or false. If you return false, the command will not be executed
router.AddMiddleware("*", func(ctx *dgc.Ctx) bool {
// Inject a custom object into the context
ctx.CustomObjects.Set("myObjectName", "Hello, world")
return true
// This middleware will only be executed for commands that implement the 'greeting' flag
router.AddMiddleware("greeting", func(ctx *dgc.Ctx) bool {
// Inject a custom object into the context
ctx.CustomObjects.Set("foo", "bar")
return true
// Enable the default help command
router.RegisterDefaultHelpCommand(session, nil)
// Initialize the router to make it functional
This library provides an enhanced argument parsing system. The following example will show you how to use it:
func SimpleCommandHandler(ctx *dgc.Ctx) {
// Retrieve the arguments out of the context
arguments := ctx.Arguments
// Print all the arguments with spaces between each other to the console
// Print the amount of given arguments to the console
// Get the first argument
argument := arguments.Get(0) // will be an argument with an emoty raw string if there is no argument at this index
// Print it's raw value to the console
// Parse the argument into a boolean
parsedBool, err := argument.AsBool()
if err != nil {
// argument is no boolean
// Parse the argument into an int32
parsedInt, err := argument.AsInt()
if err != nil {
// argument is no int32
// NOTE: You can use similiar methods (ex. AsInt8, AsInt16...) to parse the argument into these values
// Parse the argument into a user ID if it is a user mention
userID := argument.AsUserMentionID()
if userID == "" {
// argument is no user mention
// NOTE: You can also use the methods AsRoleMentionID and AsChannelMentionID