My personal collection of (hopefully) useful scripts.
Many times, I have been required set up VMs/machines/workstations/dockers and I always wished I had saved them to scripts so that I did not need to look them up again. So here it is -- this is my attempt to memorialize my work, so that I don't have to search them out again next time!
To use them, you can either:
- Copy-paste the code from the Github viewer directly
- Git clone this repo
- Download the scripts individually
Either way, if it is a bash script, make sure to set the permission:
chmod +x <file> # set permission
./<file> # run file
Please feel free to:
- Modity them or re-use them as you see fit
- If you do use the scripts for commercial or publication, a little shoutout back to this Git repo will be very nice ;)