When you need to FTP, but don't want to.
The libunftp library drives unFTP. Its a safe, fast and extensible FTP(S) server implementation in Rust brought to you by the bol.com techlab.
Because of its plug-able authentication (PAM, JSON File, Generic REST) and storage backends (e.g. local filesystem, Google Cloud Storage) it's more flexible than traditional FTP servers and a perfect match for the cloud.
It runs on top of the Tokio asynchronous run-time and tries to make use of Async IO as much as possible.
libunftp is currently under heavy development and not yet recommended for production use. The API MAY BREAK
You'll need Rust 1.41 or higher to build libunftp.
If you've got Rust and cargo installed, create your project with
cargo new myftp
Then add the libunftp, tokio & futures crates to your project's dependencies in Cargo.toml
libunftp = "0.11.0"
tokio = { version = "0.2", features = ["full"] }
Now you're ready to develop your server!
Add the following to src/main.rs
use tokio::prelude::*;
pub async fn main() {
let ftp_home = std::env::temp_dir();
let server = libunftp::Server::new_with_fs_root(ftp_home)
.greeting("Welcome to my FTP server")
You can now run your server with cargo run
and connect to localhost:2121
with your favourite FTP client e.g.:
lftp -p 2121 localhost
For more help refer to:
- the examples directory.
- the API Documentation.
- unFTP server, a server from the bol.com techlab that is built on top of libunftp.
Thank you for your interest in contributing to libunftp!
Please feel free to create a github issue if you encounter any problems.
Want to submit a feature request? Then head over to our contribution guide (CONTRIBUTING.md).
You're free to use, modify and distribute this software under the terms of the Apache License v2.0.