3D nbody simulation using the Naive or Barnes-Hut approximation algorithm on CPU or Nvidia GPU. A 2D projection of the bodies is rendered realtime with imgui, OpenGL, glm and GLFW. The CPU version also (optionally) relies on OpenMP.
If a NVIDIA graphics card and CUDA is avilable the computations can be parallelized increasing frame performance significantly.
git clone https://github.com/benni012/nbody
Make sure to update the arch flag according to your systems Nvidia GPU in CMakeLists.txt (line 67).
cmake .
then everything should be set up to run. For example 1k particles with the Barnes-Hut algorrithm on the GPU running for 100 iterations:
./nbody -dgpu -abh -n1e3 -i100
A detailed explanation of the available arguments
Option | Flag | Argument Type | Description | Default |
--benchmark |
-b |
None | Runs in benchmark mode. | false |
--device |
-d |
cpu/gpu |
Specifies whether to use CPU or GPU. | cpu |
--algo |
-a |
bh/naive |
Selects the algorithm (bh for Barnes-Hut, naive for direct). |
naive |
--num-particles |
-n |
Number | Sets the number of particles. | 5000 |
--iters |
-i |
Number | Defines the number of iterations. | UINT_MAX |
--pop-method |
-p |
Number | Defines the population method (0 Uniform Disk, 1 , Uniform disk with central mass, 2 Uniform stable disk with movement, 3 Plummers Model) |
3 |
Benchmark option outputs (and saves to a csv) the average function times, for example:
$ ./nbody -anaive -dgpu -n200 -b -i500
Function Calls Mean Time (us) Std Dev (us)
BodiesD2H 500 29 8
PosUpdate_GPU 500 9 1
AccUpdateNaive_GPU 500 112 183
To recreate the benchmarking plots the Visual Profiler (nvprof) and Python (>= 3) have to be installed. Afterwards run:
python benchmarks/run_benchmark.py
From inside the /benchmarks
directory, run:
python plot_roof.py
python plot_runtime_vs_time.py